Best Healthy Food to Prevent Hypertension
Hypertension is one of the factor that indicated of heart disease. Hypertension can arise due aterosklerosis and the arterial tension, which can cause blood vessel stoppage. Tension on the arterial can be controlled by the balance of calcium, magnesium and potassium are also associated with the degree of natrium (salt). The clog in the flow of blood causes the heart to work extra strong for a number of pumping blood.
This will make the heart tired and if not immediately treated will cause damages in the main organs. This could increase the stroke risk, heart attack, and heart failure. Hypertension could prevent by medications and also by healthy diet.
Type of food that good to prevent hypertension :
1. Contain of Vitamine C
Many hypertension cases occurs to the person who is lack of vitamine C. Vitamine C could be found on mangoes, oranges, broccoli, mustard green, potatoes, and guava.
2. Source of Potassium
Food that contain high potassium is one of the best medicine for hypertension people. Inside the body, potassium's function is to keep the balance of salt (natrium) and fluids and help to control the normal blood pressure. You will found it in : soya beans, green beans, celery, peanuts, spinach, and bananas.
3. Source of Calcium
Calcium is great to keep the normal blood pressure. Gain in age make our body hard to absorbs the calcium specially for the elders. So, elder people have to take calcium supplements to have enough calcium level. Foods that become source of calcium are : eels, anchovy, milk, Mozambique tilapia fish (my daughter loves this kind of fish very much), and red spinach.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is great for health because it has plenty of the monounsaturated fat level. It could help to decrease the blood pressure. It great for your heart health too.
5. Omega-3 Fat Acid
Food that cointain Omega-3 Fat Acid is kind of fish like anchovy, sardine, seer fish (or in my local language is tenggiri fish), and fish oil.
6. High Fiber Food
This is the type of food that definitely the best for every disease and to maintain healthy and good diet. High fiber food will neutralize the raise of blood fat level (cholesterol, trigliseride, LDL, and HDL). Example :Serealia, beans, chayote, corn, apple, and vegetables.
7. Celery
This plant has high potassium level. Great for high blood pressure. My granny used to have a glass of celery juice every day when her blood pressure is raise up. You may mix the celery with apple and a bit of lemon juice then blend them together.
8. Garlic and Onion
Those two are well known as very effective hypertension medication. It's an ancient recipe. Many people do not like the taste or smell of garlic and onion, but if you have hypertension, you should start to try them. Garlic and onion make the blood vessel muscles relaxing. Those onions have adenosine which help muscle to relax.
Food that you should avoid if you have hypertension :
1. Salt and natrium, like junk food that contain high salt and natrium.
2. High fat food
3. Alcohol, do not over consume it. It will increase the blood pressure.
4. Coffee, the caffeine in the coffee could increase the blood pressure specially if the person is in stress. You should not smoking either.