The Best Natural Remedies for Ear Infection
Ear infection
Inflammation of the ears, which is especially common in children, is usually caused by bacteria and viruses in the middle ear. Factors that can also contribute to ear infections include accumulation of ear butter, upper respiratory infection, food allergy, or environmental agents, genetic conditionality and lack of certain nutrients. Common symptoms of inflammation of the ears are pain and tearing in the ears, difficulty sleeping, headache, hearing difficulties, high fever, watery urinary excretion, vomiting, and diarrhea.
It is important that in the case of inflammation of the ear, treatment starts early enough to avoid possible complications, including damage to the eardrum. Untreated ejaculation can lead to a constant repetition of problems, and in extreme cases even to obstruction. So it is very important that you go to your doctor as soon as possible. Certain reliefs in problems can also be caused by the use of some home-prepared products, which have long been known for their beneficial effects in case of ear infections.
Children in the first four years of life are most commonly ill with the inflammation of the middle ear. There are several reasons why the youngest children are most often sick. Because the immune system of children develops up to the age of seven, they are more susceptible to various colds, which can also develop into inflammation of the ears. The ear horns or the Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear with the upper part of the throat is still very short and horizontal in small children, which allows bacteria and viruses to reach the middle ear. In the nasal part of the throat, children have relatively large chipboard, which can with their size excessively reduce the passage of the gutter mouth of the Eustachian tube. This can cause clogging of the middle ear.
Treating a middle-ear infection is always a job for a physician, who can simultaneously treat upper respiratory infections, rhinitis, or enlarged adenoids or tonsilitis, as needed.
Has your child ever suffered from ear infection?
Natural Remedies for the Ear Infection
Essential Oils
Essential oils are found in various parts of plants - in the flower, leaf, crust, roots, resins, shells and seeds. They are obtained by steam distillation or cold pressing. Since essential oils are extremely concentrated, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the operation of individual essential oils before use and take into account safe concentration.
In inflammation of the ears, essential oils of Basil and Tea Tree are used.
Basil Essential Oil
The oil produced by steam distillation of basil leaves, stems and flowers contains a high level of antioxidants and other highly beneficial phytochemicals. The result of this is a very effective and completely natural formula for helping with cardiovascular, muscular, emotional and immune problems. Basil essential oil has a naturally sweet, warm, spicy and very herbal scent. We can use it in different ways. It helps us in bacterial and viral diseases and inflammation, the fight against free radicals, in support of the nervous system and the stimulation of the functioning of the adrenal gland.
Basil oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as a natural medicine for inflammation of the ears. Regular application of basil oil together with base oil behind and around the ear can accelerate the treatment of inflammation, while also reducing the pain and possible swelling.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree, also called Melaleuca, originates in Australia, where it was used as an effective disinfectant for wounds. Because of the wide spectrum of antiseptic and antimicrobial activity, the tea tree essential oil is one of the most famous and widely used. His leaves and twigs are used to make essential oil. Scientific research has confirmed that the essential oil of the tea tree can antimicrobially affect many common bacteria and viral and fungal organisms.In aromatherapy mixtures, it is used to help the body fight various infections, as well as to strengthen the body's natural resistance.
Due to antibacterial properties, tea tree oil can provide very quick relief from the pain caused by inflammation of the ears. It is very welcome home help with ear pain and initial forms of ear infections.
Both of these essential oils act anti-inflammatory, the tea tree as a natural antiseptic helps the body to successfully fight the infection, while the basil is also a painkiller. Often, with their help, we successfully avoid antibiotics.
At the initial inflammation of the middle ear, but also in the stage of a cold, when we suspect (especially in small children) that the airways, including sinuses, are full of mucus and impassable, we begin treatment with the help of diluted tea tree essential oil.
We oil an ear shell and around the ear, never put the oil in the ear. Alternatively, you can put a drop of pure essential oil on a small piece of cotton and placed it in front of the ear canal or wrap it over your ear. In the beginning, we apply oil often (every 20 minutes for the first 2 hours).
If it seems to us that inflammation has already progressed too much (children also complain that their ear hurt - most commonly in the evening or at night when the organism calms down) we apply the diluted basil essential oil behind and around the ear. We apply the oil every 20 minutes, until the improvement. The essential oil of basil is one of the hot oils, and therefore it is essential to dilute it to prevent the burning sensation of the skin.
Garlic is considered one of the most powerful natural medicines - it is very effective in destroying bacteria and also successful in combating viruses and fungi. It is used to overcome many infections, as well as with problems such as high blood pressure and hair loss. There are also a lot of scientific studies that confirm the exceptional healing properties of garlic.
In traditional medicine, garlic is also known as an excellent choice for helping with inflammation of the ears - especially in combination with olive oil. Since bacteria are often not the cause of the problem, but viruses, taking antibiotics is not the most appropriate, especially considering possible unwanted side effects. When children suffer from inflammation of the ears, they are usually taken to a doctor who prescribes antibiotics. But antibiotics also kill good bacteria that are extremely important for our immune system, so children are exposed to many other diseases. The advantage of garlic is that it does not kill good bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, garlic attacks bacteria not by imitating them and interrupting their defense mechanism, so the bacteria do not resist it. By regular use of garlic, there is also no fear that the bacteria will mutate and become resistant to the medicine in garlic, so it is certainly helpful when it comes to pain in the ears. Garlic oil is expected to be very effective because its operation extends through the eardrum.
When you need quick help, squeeze at least three garlic cloves. Squeeze the garlic "meat" through a gauze or paper towel with clean fingers in the drip, without expecting a lot of drops. Garlic oil can be mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1: 5. Put the drops in the ear and place a warm cloth or hat over the ear, but stay in the ear-up position for at least a few minutes so that the garlic oil does not come out of the ear. If the pain is not severe, you can soak the pressed garlic for 15 minutes into olive or sesame oil, and then put strained and slightly heated oil in the ear. It is worth noting that the use of garlic can be painful, but the pain disappears after a few minutes. If the pain is unbearable, pour fluid out of your ears and prepare more diluted garlic water. Repeat this procedure only once or twice to see an improvement.
Only perform this procedure if you are 100% sure that the eardrum is not ruptured!
If you do not know the condition of the eardrum, crush the garlic, place it in gauze and tighten gauze behind and on the ear. Garlic is never given directly to the skin, as it can cause burns. You can also add three garlic cloves to boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Then chop the garlic and add a pinch of salt. Wrap the mixture in a cloth and place it on the ear.
In the case of inflammation of the ears, it can also help to consume raw garlic.
The fact that onion has many positive effects on our health is nothing new. Our ancestors have been taking full advantage of this natural antibiotic. Onion contains anti-inflammatory agents and relieves pain.
There are several ways to use onion in inflamed ears.
You can simply finely chop the onion and wrap it tightly in a clean cotton cloth. Keep it over the sore ear from about five to ten minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day. But it is better to chop the onion and fry it in a pan, to make it warm. Then put it in a thin cotton sock or cloth. You can squeeze the sock to become damp. Then place this coating on your painful ear. You can also chop the onion, wrap it in two cotton pads, and heat it above water vapor. Put it on your ear and wrap it with a scarf.
Instead of the chopped onion you can also use warmed dried chamomile flowers.
In the case of inflammation of the ears, we can also help with sea salt, which has many beneficial effects on our body. When salt is heated, it remains warm because it contains minerals and very beneficially effects on inflammation and pain.
Heat the salt in the pan. Then place the hot salt on a clean piece of fabric and tie it with a rubber band or make a knot. When the salt is cooled to a good temperature, place the "bag" on the sore ear for about 10 minutes. Repeat several times a day. The high temperature of the salt will accelerate the secretion of the fluid from the ear, thus alleviating swelling and pain. You can also first put salt in a cloth and then heat it (in a pan, microwave, ...).
There are several homeopathic remedies for ear infection, depending on the symptoms:
- Ferrum phosphoricum
- Pulsatilla
- Aconitum
- Belladonna
- Chamomilla
- Apis
- Magnesium phosphoricum
- Hepar sulphuris
Describe the symptoms to your homeopath doctor to help you choose the right medicine. Or you can through the available information and knowledge of your own symptoms, select the medicine by yourself.
If you are fond of anthroposophic medicine, you can also use one of the following:
- Levisticum Rh
- Erysidoron I
- Apis/Levisticum
Inflammation of the ears is an unpleasant matter, and the parents are mostly scared when the child cries because of the pain. However, it has been shown that infections are mostly viral and based on medical literature otitis media is an illness that only rarely requires antibiotic treatment. If suitable means are used to help the body actively come to grip with the infection, the general strengthening that results means that relapses become less frequent.
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