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Read My Lips, Not His Lies
Follow your path
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Why must I do DUMB,
Self destructive things,
To obtain a REVOLVING false positive,
Resulting only in FAILURE!
Lay beyond the ruins,
And the rubble of the path,
Even when the signs say bold and clearly,...
....................WRONG WAY,
..........DEAD END,
.......................GO AWAY!
Gee Wiz!!!
Well, (you) look at me,
With that sultry expression stamped all over
Your crease riddled grimace
Feigning those invented INNOCENT EYES.
Filling my head With so many made up Fairy tales...
All those dreams I so longingly wished for,
I listen to you REGURGITATE the same 'ol, same 'ol
and wanting to believe they ALL come True
You Lead me to BELIEVE,
All of your downright Nasty lies.
But deep Down inside,
That although I can clearly See your face,
You must be wearing a DISGUISE!
Being Constructive, NOT Destructive
Is the ONLY path for ME to follow.
Be a LEADER and read my lips,
NOT your incessant LIES.
Discover the underlying truths,
To avoid having to recover.
From destitute FAILURE....
................and AGAIN.
................................and AGAIN.
...................................................and again.
Not a VICTIM.....
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Some people collect stamps, others collect coins; my collection consists of stacks & stacks of papers filled with my work. The paper that...