Blind Fury
The Art Of Channeling Anger.
Being so angry that it becomes harder to control myself is a horrible feeling. A lot of people understand that once you get to a certain point then one cannot be held responsible for their actions, or can they? Something happens, not always something that anyone can control and then the emotions arise and the anger sets in. Everyone can agree with me by saying that no one can control what happens around them, but one can definitely control how they feel about it. That is something that I have recently learned and am still learning to this day. What do I do when I get so angry that the emotions start to overwhelm and take over? It is a horrible feeling of a dark cloud approaching and there is nothing I can do about it. Or at least that is what it feels like, it feels like there is nothing I can do but there is always something that can be done. It sucks and I do not want it to happen but when it does I have learned that nothing can change what has already happened and I just need to accept it and do what I can, for a lack of better words, suck it up. Nothing good comes of stewing over something that has already happened. especially something that can not be controlled. Of course we all know that but that is not what we want to hear when we are blind with fury.
I have learned many things through my journey and I will share with you. First of all, recognizing the emotion is probably the best thing that can be done, if I do not realize what emotion I am feeling then how will I conjure it...? After I have figured out that the emotion I am feeling is anger then I take a time out, because obviously whatever I was doing was making me angry. To prevent myself from getting more angry I just take a temporary break and take deep breaths. Count my breaths, just take a minute, clear my mind and count. When I am in this moment I just think of what would happen if I act out on my anger. More often then not acting out on anger is never good. So I never have to stay in that thought process for too long. I have also learned that I need to release the anger. But, there is a big difference between acting out on the anger and releasing it. It is not healthy to bottle it up but it is also detrimental to let the anger control you. Do not try to suppress anger, channel it. Use it as fuel. That is the most valuable tool that I have learned and still use to this day. Learning the art of channeling anger has saved me from a lot of trouble. It sounds childish but music helps me. Heavy metal, I do not care how that sounds, music helps everything. Another way to release anger is to work out, I enjoy that a lot. Heavy metal music and lifting weights. After the anger is released then the next step is to accept that the event happened, and that there is really nothing I can do to change it. I actually love to get angry because it is like fuel to get motivated. Yes that is what I said, anger motivates me and I love it, but there is a fine line that one must not teeter. It is almost like a drug, if you take too much then it can kill you, just like anger.
So that concludes my article for now. We learned that the FIRST thing to do is recognize that you are getting angry. Second you need to not let it get worse. Third you need to think of the consequences, and then lastly learn to channel, and of course I write, and that helps me. But you guys do what you need to do that works for you. I am just sharing what works for
© 2017 Virginia