Body Odour | Causes of Bad Body Odour | How to Prevent Bad Body Odour
Bad body odour is one of the main reasons for high divorce rate and newlywed couples on the verge of divorce or separation, as told by the marriage counselors in Terengganu State, Malaysia. Other interesting reasons are the routine sex and boring pyjamas.
Everybody has his or her own distinctive body smell. However, it becomes a problem when a person’s body odour is so strong or pungent that it drives other people away. There are causes of these smelly body odours, and there are ways to prevent or eliminate bad body odours. Unpleasant body odour is often easy to prevent with proper body hygiene. Unfortunately, those who have it are often unaware of the unpleasant smell emanating from their body; probably they are used to the smell.
Main Causes of Smelly Body Odour
1) Perspiration
The common cause of bad body odour is due to the bakteria acting on perspiration that has left to dry on the skin for some hours. Human body has two kinds of sweat glands :
Exocrine grands – found all over the body and
Apocrine glands – activated only at puberty and are found in hairy areas such as the arm pits and the pubic region
The apocrine glands secrete proteins and fatty substances that cause the smelly body odour.
2) Spicy Food and Meat
Frequent consumption of spicy food such as curry, garlic and onions is another cause for smelly body odour. A study published in the Oxford Journals in 2006 found that red meat is one of the reason to cause unpleasant body odor.
3) Other Reason
- Diseases such as kidney problems or liver problems
- Certain medicines
- Alcohol intake
- Smoking
- Overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism
- Stress
- Skin problems
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Weak body metabolism
- Bacterial growth
- Fungal infection
- Deficiency of zinc mineral, cavities, toxins, etc
- Heredity factors
- Menopause
- Low levels of male hormones
- Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia
- Fever
How to Eliminate Bad Body Odour ?
1) Take bath or shower frequently, whenever you sweat after some physical activity
2) Use antiseptic or antibacterial soap or bathing gel
3) Apply a deodorant or antiperspirant on the armpits or
4) Apply talcum powder on the armpits, or other body area that sweats easily to keep the skin dry
How to Prevent Bad Body Odour ?
1) Practice good hygiene
Take the time to analyze your hygiene habits and improve them if necessary. Take a bath or shower at least once a day. Take a shower or bath after excessive sweating.
2) Avoid excessive sweating if you are not doing physical exercise
If you are just sitting in the office doing work, avoid excessive sweating by keeping your body cool with a fan or air conditioner.
3) Avoid leaving perspiration on your body for a long period of time
If a bath or shower is not an immediately available option, wipe your sweat away and keep your body dry, such as applying a talcum powder.
4) Wear light clothing under humid hot weather
Avoid fabric such as nylon, which can trap heat and moisture.
5) Change clothes daily
Change a new set of clothes daily, especially the underwear.
6) Consult with a medical doctor
Consult with a doctor if you think a disease may cause your body odor.
Foot Odour
Foot odour is common because there are more sweat glands in the foot than other parts of the human body. Also, the feet are often kept bundled in socks and shoes. Poor foot hygiene can also cause fungal infection leading to bad feet odour. To prevent foot odour :
1) Keep your feet clean
2) Wash the toes and dry well
3) Apply foot powder to help soak up excess moisture
4) Change to new socks daily
5) Wear wool or cotton socks which can naturally absorb sweat, avoid synthetic materials
6) Avoid wearing the same pair of shoes daily, alternate with other shoes to allow sweaty shoes to air out in between wearings
7) Avoid wearing plastic shoes that does not help your feet to breathe
8) Consult with a doctor if all the above home treatment fail to work
Body Odor Makeover
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