The Happiness Quotient
Poll numbers are published defining the happiest place to live, the happiest time of year, the happiest employees, the happiest citizens, etc., etc., etc. I have come to the conclusion the despite all the psychology, sociology, statistical and physiology classes I've taken, I do not believe happiness is a measurable state. As much as I would like to think my going to college was time well spent, it is now apparent to me that what I was taught was a bunch of hooey.
Measuring happiness and moreover, the specific level of happiness is a ridiculous concept. Social scientists and statisticians claim to have established methods which define and compare the intensity of a feeling. I say again... what a bunch of hooey. Do we measure infinity? Do we measure "virtuality"? Is Disneyland really the "Happiest Place on Earth"?
If you are wondering why I have chosen to pursue this subject, its because I am at my wits end with people telling me how much happier I would be if I were to do this or do that or live here or live there. Who cares. If you are happy, its because you are happy. I may be living with clinical depression, but I can tell you that I have moments of happiness that are totally unrelated to any statistical occurrence. Personally, happiness can be a warm tush (that's bum to some). When you are stretched out in bed and feel the warm touch of your significant other's significant parts, doesn't that give you a feeling of comfort and happiness? It works for me but you can't measure it. Are your significant other's significant parts more comforting than mine? Perhaps, but we are not going to take a poll. If we did, would your happiness exceed mine because you live in a happy state like Florida? Does it really matter?
Happiness is something embodied within us as circumstance of that moment. Some people, myself in this category, seek out happiness in little bits to keep from going completely over-the-top and for those who ooze happiness... well you guys need to wipe that smile from your face and quit telling others how to be happy. Be happy for yourself and leave the rest of us alone.
That's my soapbox moment for the day. Now I can go be me. Thank you for "listening".