Building a Life That Matters: Defining, Developing and Expressing Success
Why Building a Life That Matters...Matters!
"When one has finished building one's house, one suddenly realizes that in the process one has learned something that one really needed to know in the worst way - before one began." - Friedrich Nietzsche
There is something I wish I had known as I was growing up. There are also things I have learned along the way which I discovered I really needed to know before building the proverbial house that I have built. In this case ignorance wasn't bliss. I know I'm not and I wasn't alone. So, for those of you who still want to know, peek inside and begin the journey within, if you haven't started already. This is for you! I hope "Building a Life That Matters" matters to you!
When I wrote "9 Characteristics of a Real Man" I expressed my views on how I thought men are portrayed and, maybe even more importantly how they feel about themselves. I attempted to offer a different perspective based on my experience. I know men whose lives were affected greatly by perceptions conditioned into them or subsequently adopted by them. I know, because I"m one of them.
In "Building a Life That Matters" I offer a deeper look into each of the elements that made up the 9 characteristics of a real man and how each trait or its perception contributes to the quality of a man's life and to the life quality of those around him. Again, this hub is intended only to portray an alternate view, of which there are many. Experiential as it is, the view is mine and I offer it freely in the hope that others will find a piece of information here that acts as a catalyst for change within which ultimately improves their lives or the lives of someone they know.
Know What You're Building Before You Build It
What builder worth his weight in salt would even consider building a house without a design, a blueprint?
The definition of building according to is as follows:
1. to construct (especially something complex) by assembling and joining parts or materials: to build a house. 2. to establish, increase, or strengthen, to build up one's hopes. 3. to mold, form, or create: to build boys into men.
Is there anything more complex than a human life? It is our conditioning which establishes, strengthens and build's (or tears down) our hopes, but ultimately it is our decisions that mold, form and create our lives, whether we acknowledge it or not. We can give away the power of choice that defines our existence or we can take hold of it and use it to develop the type of house or life we build. Our success is dependent on how we define and measure the images we hold, the intensity with which we use them and how we feel about the presence of the results.
Since we, as humans, really think in symbols and not in words, the symbols or images we hold onto help shape the manifestation of those images into reality. Knowing we will obtain a well constructed, sound abode or a house of cards is reason enough to clarify, in detail, what those symbols are and how we use them in our lives. A hazy, muddied or half completed image creates that house of cards which the storms or life will demolish no matter how we measure it.
How advertisers attract men
Way #
| Character Assumptions
| What Sells
| Men Like Manly Things
| Cars, sex and challenges
| Men Are Crass, Arrogant, Insensitive Jackasses.
| good ol' boys who know how to have a good time and don't give a crap who we offend.
| Men Like Women
| Sex Sells, especially when women are 10's
| Men Don't Like To Have Their Masculinity Questioned
| Instant Masculinity, colognes, beer, etc
| Men Are Suckers For Flattery
| Stroke the ego, build him up
| Men love a challenge
| Bigger, better, faster, leaner
H.O.W. to use this series
The purpose of the "Building a Life That Matters" series is to provoke thought and to provide a guide, based on personal experiences, which delivers an alternate definition of success and a means of developing and measuring that definition.
Each part in the series details a different element of developing or building the life you want. I will share my experiences and offer suggestions that can be entertained as food for thought in determining how you approach your plans for building that new house!
I sincerely hope you enjoy this journey on which we are about to embark together. As a minister and Life Architect I take great satisfaction in helping people come to their own conclusions about how they want to live their lives and even more so when they derive the ultimate satisfaction of living a life in peace and service to humanity.
I suggest reading, then taking in what you have read, testing it to see if or how it resonates with you and what you believe. I also suggest keeping a journal to take note of any breakthroughs. I also suggest discussing it with other people who may find value in this work or from the affects of it on you! If nothing more, I ask that you share your experiences with others as this will bring incredibly valuable insight to the journey you have undertaken through this life.
Peace be with you!
Case in Point
What Commercials?
Do advertisers know something we don't know?
The Choice is Y O U R S
No matter how a man defines himself, he has the power to choose. He can choose his definition, his means of self development and his measurement of success and expression. To do so he must be aware...of himself and his environment. Let's get started!
You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective. - Denis Waitley
We are not animals. We are not a product of what has happened to us in our past. We have the power of choice. - Stephen Covey
I sincerely hope you will follow along with this series as each segment will provide a different perspective and subsequently a different choice to ponder.
Thank you for the opportunity to be here with you for this short time. It is my privilege to serve you.