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CLA - Why Should You Take It?

Updated on February 25, 2014

<< Part 2 - First Supplement Usage <<

Are you still not convinced that you need to increase the amount of conjugated linoleic acid you get in your diet?

That’s alright; I’d prefer that you weren’t so easily persuaded.

There are a number of different health benefits you can get from CLA, which I’ll explain a little more.

Benefits of CLA

I mentioned a few of CLA’s benefits before, but now I’d like to dive a little deeper.

I already mentioned that CLA has cancer-fighting abilities. It’s been found in animal studies that if out of their complete daily diet only one half of a percent is CLA then they’ll see over 50% tumor reduction.

But you’re most likely reading this article because you’re interested in CLA’s weight loss capabilities.

Recommended Reading

Dr. Pariza, the scientist who discovered CLA, said back in 2000 that, “It doesn’t make a big fat cell get little. What it rather does is keep a little fat cell from getting big.” So CLA can help keep you from gaining more fat!

Dr. Pariza also found, after a study was over, that when the participants stopped dieting, they gained weight; no real shocker there, right? The surprise came when he realized that the people who were taking CLA were gaining mostly muscle, NOT fat! So CLA can help you gain more lean muscle from the excess calories you take in, instead of converting it all to fat!

It’s also been found to:

  • Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides
  • Boost Your Immune System
  • Increase Your Metabolism
  • Lower Insulin Resistance
  • Reduce Food Allergies

So you can see that there’s more than one reason why you should increase your CLA intake.

Let’s take a look at two of the main ways to increase the amount of CLA you get in your diet.

Why Grass-Fed Meat & Dairy Products?

You already know that grass-fed meat and dairy products contain more CLA than grain-fed meat and dairy products. That’s a big reason why you should lean toward grass-fed animals.

You may also know that there is good fat and bad fat. It has been said that if the ratio of omega 6 fatty acids to omega 3 fatty acids exceeds 4 to 1 that it’s going to cause health problems.

One of the reasons why people might be scared away from eating beef is that when you look at grain-fed beef it has a ratio that sometimes exceeds 20 to 1! BUT GRASS-fed beef usually has a ratio around 3 to 1. The type of fat that ends up on an animal’s, or a human’s, body depends on their diet. So that’s another good reason why grass-fed versions of meat and dairy products are healthier.

Grass-fed meats are naturally healthier and leaner cuts of meat that are packed with vitamins and minerals. Research has shown that you’ll get 10 times the amount of beta-carotene, 3 times the omega 3 fatty acids and 3 times the Vitamin E with grass-fed meats.

It’s also been found that when a cow is raised on grain it boosts the amount of E. coli in their gut! That doesn’t exactly sound encouraging does it?

But maybe this option isn’t for you.

Why CLA Supplements?

Maybe you don’t eat meat and dairy products because of your beliefs.

Maybe you don’t eat these products because you’re trying to cut down on fat and cholesterol.

Maybe you can’t afford to buy these special kinds of meat and dairy products.

Or maybe you just don’t have the time to cook that often.

Well, that’s where CLA supplements come in.

You can pop some CLA pills and avoid having to eat meat and dairy. CLA is a healthy fat and it will help lower your cholesterol. And CLA is going to be a lot less expensive than buying meat and dairy products and it’ll be quicker to consume. How long does it take you to swallow a pill?

So you have your reasons why you should take it…

You have two options on how to increase your intake of CLA…

Now let’s see if I know what I’m talking about and look at some research that’s been done on CLA.

>> Continue Reading Part 4 - Research Proven Benefits >>


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