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COVID-19 and Obesity

Updated on September 3, 2020

It is no longer foreign the news that our world is stricken with the deadly plague of coronavirus. This scourge is the prime cause of increasing deaths every hour all over the world. Many lives were and are already at risk, especially now that no country had come forth with a solution yet. Scientists from all over the world are struggling to find an end to this rapid-moving disease.

Many countries are practicing strict confinements and isolation worldwide. This is to prevent the further spread of this unknown disease. Almost every country is battling ways to protect its citizens. However, new information is being added to this deadly pandemic with every research made. This newfound issue only increases concerns among nations and now, another new group of people.

On the 10th of April, France’s chief epidemiologist claimed that “obesity is a major risk factor with people infected with COVID-19, though no statistics were stated. Professor Jean-Francois Delfraissy is the well-known leader of the scientific council in France. He advocates the French government on the ongoing pandemic to resolve the ongoing issue. In an article written by Shubham Bose, in Republic, Delfraissy said that the elder ones are not the only ones in the risk of coronavirus. The younger generation is at risk too, especially teens who are overweight.

This newfound research puts many countries and lives in danger and risk of being a victim of coronavirus. In a radio interview, Professor Delfraissy said that the current generation that enters the medical centers with symptoms of COVID-19 has a low fatality rate. Delfraissy also said that the rate shot up to 14 percent as people were more infirm.

Out of 67 million citizens in France, 17 million are at terrible risk of coronavirus due to age factors, history of illness, and obesity. This raises Delfraissy’s concern on the United States of America as the country has the highest number of obesity. Now that the news in no longer private, Delfraissy advises all young people, especially obese to take extra precautions.

In the interview, Delfraissy said that they are worried about the citizens of America, where the problem of obesity is well acknowledged for years. “America would probably have the most problems because of obesity”, he added. Reuters reported that obesity has been predicted as the closest explanation for the high death rates in New Orleans and Mexico.


The Newspaper reported that the global death count had reached 95,000 in April; out of more than one and a half million confirmed cases. Social distancing is a great measure to control the spreading of coronavirus from one individual to another. These safety measures in some governments have successfully managed to control the rate of confirmed cases.

Actions are taken to enforce aggressive laws and procedures to protect the well-being of the citizens. Isolation and self-quarantine procedures are being adopted in many countries as well. Citizens are being arrested for being out of the home without protections like masks. Though the whole world is fighting in unison, countries like the United States, Spain, Italy, and France continue to face dangers. Almost 60,000 deaths out of the global number of 95,000 were reported to be originated from these countries.

As words of ending lockdown are being rumored, France is advised to prolong the confinement for several weeks more. On Tuesday, the count of COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) increased by one percent to 7,131. “The coronavirus testing capacity is assumed to rise to 100,000 to 250,000 per day in a fortnight”, he said.

"Most people infected by coronavirus will survive", said an article in the Newspaper. The ones at higher risk are the patients and elderlies with medical conditions. Now the addition of obesity is putting more people at risk.

People from all over the world are advised to maintain healthy eating habits as they do on a regular day. Public figures like John Legend, The Kardashians, and Amy Jackson are encouraging a healthy lifestyle while being at homes through social media. Being confined at home tends to increase the food intake of people. It also reduces movement or physical exercise as citizens are now not working and are at home. This poses a threat as people might adapt to an unhealthy habit and would be less cautious of their health. Though confined at home, people all over the world are advised to maintain healthy eating habits. Exercises should also not be neglected by anyone.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Priscilla John


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