Can Homeopathy Help in an Epidemic?
Who Died from the Spanish Flu?
Please understand I am not a professional homeopath. This article represents my personal thoughts and experiences with homeopathy.
The Spanish flu is the worst outbreak in recent memory. Between 80 and 100 million people died during the 1918 epidemic. Many of them were young adults in the prime of life.
In the United States alone, as many as 675,000 people were killed by the Spanish flu. It's believed the large number of deaths, among previously robust individuals, was due to the fact that this group had a strong immune response to the pathogen, now thought to be an avian virus. Consequently, this created what's known as a cytokine storm, causing a fatal build up of fluid in their lungs.
The disease, overall, had a mortality rate of about 30 percent. It's an historical fact that one group of patients, though, fared much better. These were the ones treated by homeopathic doctors. The mortality rate, when given an appropriate homeopathic remedy, was around 1 percent.
This is very impressive, given the fact that many of the sick sought homeopathic treatment late in the course of their illness. A few years ago, I read an old report of a doctor who lamented the fact that he wasn't able to save some of his patients, whom previously were given aspirin. In general, the homeopaths of that time believed this new drug, designed to suppress fever, muscle aches and other symptoms, often led to pneumonia.
A homeopathic practitioner will generally advise against "suppressing" symptoms, due to the belief that these discomforts are a manifestation of the body's attempt to heal itself. Furthermore, it's also believed that trying to eliminate the symptoms with drugs will interrupt the natural healing process.
Homeopathy, on the other hand, works with the symptoms in order to bring about a cure. Without a set of symptoms, it would be impossible to find the right remedy.
Homeopathy for Children
What is Homeopathy?
Modern homeopathy developed in Germany 200 years ago, and it operates along the lines of "like cures like." A tiny, minute dose of a minute poison will help resolve the same complaints a larger dose would cause.
For instance, homeopathic rhus toxicodenron is taken from the poison oak plant. However, a homeopathic dilution is often the best remedy for poison ivy or oak, chicken pox and other conditions that cause intense itching.
Similarly, causticum, which is potassium hydroxide, would burn if applied full-strength to the skin. However, a homeopathic dose can help the body heal from a burn, or the after-effects of one. This remedy is also useful for a number of other conditions, all of which correspond to a full-strength dose of causticum, which could cause goiter, neuralgia and paralysis, along with a host of other symptoms.
General Homeopathy Guide
Remedies Used During the Spanish Flu
Patients who contracted the Spanish flu initially developed a fever. The end stages of the disease were characterized by purple pustules appearing on the skin, which is why another name for this outbreak is "purple plague."
According to various published reports, the homeopathic doctors who treated people during this epidemic generally relied upon one of two remedies.
The first was gelsemium, commonly used to fight less lethal flu viruses. Symptoms that would indicate gelsemium was needed include fatigue, headache, especially in the back of the head and chills running the length of the spine. The patient also appears drowsy and droopy. The eyes, in particular, also seem to droop. Another characteristic indicating gelsemium is that, despite having a fever, the patient isn't thirsty.
Bryonia was the other remedy that often led to recovery during this outbreak. Symptoms also include fever and general malaise. But the patient is also extremely thirsty. Sometimes, the desire to drink liquids can point someone to this remedy.
Papers written during this time note that, on occasion, a patient's condition called for another remedy. But, in general, gelsemium and bryonia could address nearly every other case.
Important note: Bryonia and gelsemium are excellent general flu remedies. But they may or may not be the right ones for all flu-like illnesses. Indiscriminate use of the poorly matched remedies can cause the body's vital force to move in the wrong direction. This is why I strongly urge you to work with a professional.
Homeopathy and You
Have you ever used a homeopathic remedy?
Introductory Kit With Common Remedies
The Genus Epidemicus
There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies, so choosing the right one can be challenging. Furthermore, during the early stages of the flu, the symptoms may be so non-specific. Nothing noteworthy stands out, other than a fever.
Fortunately, during a widespread outbreak, something called a genus epidemicus will appear. This is the main remedy that will likely be of the most help, for nearly everyone affected.
During an epidemic, this information will be discussed and disseminated by practicing homeopaths. Anyone who is interested can drop in on one of the online discussion forums, where the genus epidemicus will be widely discussed.
Unless symptoms differ markedly from what most people are suffering, the genus epidemicus is probably the remedy to help you and your family recover from whatever bug is going around.
People who are interested in learning more about homeopathy, and who are not working with a professional homeopath, might want to find one well before an outbreak becomes a local cause of concern.
If you need help finding a good homeopath, you can ask a chiropractor or another trusted alternative health practitioner. Sometimes, your local health food store can generate a referral.
Depending upon where you live, it may not be possible to find a local homeopath. At various times, I've worked with practitioners who live far away, with very good results.
Use a Conventional Cure if it Exists says Homeopathic MD
Does Homeopathy Work?
At one time, homeopathy was extremely popular in the United States. Many people used homeopaths much as we use primary care physicians today. If you checked into a hospital, chances are you'd be watched closely and receive a carefully selected homeopathic remedy. About one-third of all America were founded as homeopathic facilities.
This method of healing, however, seemed to disappear with the organization of the American Medical Association, along with the introduction of pharmaceuticals, such as penicillin.
Years ago, when I was looking to a solution to my children's chronic health problems, I discovered homeopathy, and was very impressed with how well their upper respiratory infections, and even ear infections, responded to the right remedy. Even when they were very ill, they started to rebound after the first dose.
This is not to say that homeopathy should substitute for regular medical care. However, our family physician was always supportive of our efforts to try this safe and non-toxic healing method first, before considering anything more invasive.
Using Homeopathy Correctly
Homeopathic remedies are sold over the counter. Anybody can buy them and anyone can use them. However, I can't stress enough how important it is to work with a professional homeopath, especially as you are just learning about this remarkably effective form of medicine.
That's because the right remedy can bring about relatively quick healing in an acute situation, such as a cold or a flu bug. However, the wrong remedy can lead to a worsening of the symptoms, or even new symptoms. This can happen even if too much of the right remedy is given, or too many doses are taken within a short time period, which is why professional guidance is so important. (This writer is not a professional homeopath.)
If you don't see significant improvement after one or two doses, your homeopath may consider changing the remedy.
Homeopathy is very safe and effective, as long as it's used correctly and not as a substitute for conventional medical care, if that's most appropriate in a particular case. (Please see above video, where a homoepathic MD recommends conventional treatments for typhoid fever and other serious infections.) Bear in mind that the Spanish flu statistics were compiled at a time when people had better diets, and were treated in a hospital setting by highly skilled physicians.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition.
This article is not intended as medical advice, and is written for informational and discussion purposes only. People with health concerns should discuss them with a medical professional. The author assumes no responsibility for treatment decisions or outcome. Women who are nursing or pregnant should not take homeopathic remedies unless directed to do so by a healthcare professional.
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