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Cancer Survivors Who've Recovered with Poly-MVA

Updated on January 3, 2016

A Dramatic Recovery from Multiple Myeloma

Here is an example of an online testimonial of someone who recovered from "incurable" cancer.

Janice Barsby was a former oncology nurse. She once administered chemotherapy to cancer patients. Years later, after leaving that job, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a malignancy that arises in the plasma cells.

She was in very bad shape when her disease was discovered in 2004. Although she had suffered from severe back pains, she delayed going to the doctor because her husband was also experiencing health problems.

The doctors gave her a very poor prognosis. With her kidneys failing, she was expected to die within a matter of weeks. With his wife clinging to life, Janice's husband ordered an over-the-counter dietary supplement called Poly-MVA. With no time to lose, he had it shipped overnight express.

Janice immediately began taking this supplement. Within days, her kidneys had improved to the point that dialysis, about to commence, was no longer needed, according to her testimony published on a Poly-MVA survivor's site.

Thankful Survivors Have Posted Their Stories on the Internet


The Start of Her Recovery

Janice was afraid to tell her doctors or nurses she was on a dietary supplement, as she worried it would be taken away from her. Yet she continued to take this throughout the day. The hospital staff was very surprised when, after a few days, she was well enough to go home.

Determined to get better, she continued with Poly-MVA, and also did guided imagery, in which she pictured her body defeating her cancer. Within six months, her blood tests had slid into the normal range. A bone marrow test a month later showed no sign of cancer.

She posted on the Internet that she believes Poly-MVA saved her life.

What is Poly-MVA?

Considered a dietary supplement, Poly-MVA contains minerals, amino acids and vitamins. But the ingredients considered most active is palladium combined with lipoic acid, which forms a compound known as a palladium lipoic complex.

This formula seems to root out cancerous cells, while leaving normal cells unharmed. If anything, it appears to enable healthy cells to function better.

Poly-MVA was developed by a dentist named Dr. Merrill Garnet, who had a background in biochemistry. The formula is non-toxic. However, it's not entirely known by which mechanism Poly-MVA attacks growing malignancies. It might have something to do with feeding the cancer cells a form of energy that leads to their demise.

Thankful Recoveries from Terminal Cancer


Poly-MVA and the 4 Corners Protocol

Janice Barsby and others who've taken Poly-MVA advocate what's known as the 4 Corners protocol. On the Poly-MVA survivor's site, this is explained as fighting cancer from four different angles, which include killing the tumors, boosting the body's oxygen level, restoring the immune system and supporting the liver's function in detoxification. It is recommended on the site that Coq10 is taken along with Poly-MVA. This vitamin-like supplement has also been shown to be a powerful cancer fighter.

Most alternative medical practitioners believe cancer arises when the body's ability to detoxify is compromised. This is often coupled with poor nutrition.

A Video Explanation of Poly-MVA

Other Poly-MVA Cancer Survivors

Janice Barsby is not the only survivor who's gone public with her story. A number of others have posted their good news on the survivor's site. They suffered from a variety of malignancies, including brain tumors and incurable lung cancer. The dozens of testimonies come from people who range in age from elderly to very young.

One woman posted that she was diagnosed with two types of lung cancer. This had spread to her lymph nodes. Immediately, upon learning of her condition, she began taking Poly-MVA. Subsequent surgery showed her tumors had shrank. Her case was upgraded to Stage I cancer. She decided against chemotherapy and radiation.

Three years after her diagnosis, she reported she is perfectly healthy with no sign of the disease.

It may not have ended so happily if she had listened to her oncologist, who instructed her not to take Poly-MVA, she reports. All followup PET scans have been clear, with no signs of recurrence, five years after her initial diagnosis.

A number of the other survivors who shared their stories have fought breast cancer. One woman's tumors were clearly winning, before she started taking Poly-MVA. She was dropping weight and had no energy. Taking this dietary supplement, she claims, led to an increase in energy and a new feeling of well being within days.

Years later, she reported being free of cancer and in "excellent" health.

Are Testimonies Proof?

An oncologist would point out that these individual testimonies are not proof that Poly-MVA works. But, if it were me, and I were dying of cancer, I wouldn't need the double-blind controlled studies to convince me whether to take it or not. (Nor would I have the time to wait to see if anyone was willing to conduct them.)

The truth of the matter is that Poly-MVA is one of the many non-toxic treatments being used right now to kill cancer and save lives.

Janice Barsby is still alive, although she's had a recurrence of another cancer after her first recovery. However, that was brought under control, once again, with Poly-MVA. This is in contrast to the impending death, predicted by her doctors, if she hadn't discovered this formula, back in 2004, when she was originally diagnosed.

There are numerous other stories on the web about people recovering from cancer. All it takes is a computer and a search engine to find them.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition.

This article is only meant for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice or as a replacement for proper medical care. The author is not responsible for treatment decisions or outcomes. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take dietary supplements unless directed to do so by a healthcare professional.


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