Car Insurance for the Elderly
Car Insurance for the elderly
Car Insurance is of the utmost importance for any driver of any age. Not only does it safeguard you from car accidents that are your fault but also accidents caused by others. The consequences might not only be monetary loss but in the worst case loss of life. Car insurance is usually high for younger drivers and that is understandable because of their lack of experience. Then at a certain age, usually 25, the rates go down provided their driving record is clean. As the driver gets older age doesn’t factor into how much your car insurance. At least until you reach the age of 65 and then it starts to go up. There are reasons why car insurance for the elderly is higher than for most drivers.
Why is car insurance for the elderly expensive?
There seems to be a lot of factors why car insurance rates goes up after you reach 65. I know that many folks over the age of 65 aren’t happy to be lumped together because all people over 65 aren’t alike. I certainly agree with them.
- Your vision or eye sight isn’t as good as it used to be. I know that it doesn’t seem fair especially because your eyesight can get worse a lot earlier than 65.
- As we get older our reflexes become slower. Our eye and hand coordination. This is understandable.
- Hearing in senior citizens usually goes down.
- Older drivers often take medication. (a lot of younger drivers do too)
- Not only are our reflexes slower but our reaction to what is in front of will also slow down.
Why are there more elderly drivers on the road?
The population as a whole is getting older which means there will be a lot older drivers on the road. In 2009 there were 21.6 million drivers over 70 according to the Insurance Institute.
And you know that number will be steadily going up with all the baby boomers getting older in the near future. Most elderly drivers will need coverage like comprehensive, collision and whatever is required for them in the state that they live in.
One way to get a better car insurance deal is to take an older driver program for more information go to the AARP older driver site.
Also remember to shop around to find the best quotes available.
Long Term Care information
- Long Term Caregivers
There are opportunities in the healthcare field specifically in long term care or assisted living, where folks will be needed to care for the elderly. Training for these long term caregivers will also be needed, whether it is the home health care or - Long Term Care Ombudsman
Like any organization that deals with people who cant always protect themselves, the long term care industry has ombudsmen to look after the rights and interests of long term care residents - What is Long Term Care Insurance
Important type of insurance that might save you a lot of trouble when you get older. - Long Term Care
Long Term Care is becoming more and more important as the world and our nation becomes older.
Automatic renewal of driver's license
Automatic renewal of driver's licenses varies from state to state. Some states like Alabama don't have any age provisions whereas some states require a vision test at a certain age.
Are older drivers involved in more crashes?
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway safety the answer is yes, drivers over the age of 65 tend to have more accidents.
Make good car choices
Since the population is getting older it only makes sense that there are a growing
number of older drivers. The question is what are the best cars for old people
or elderly drivers? There are many different criteria that go into what car is
the best for senior citizens. Comfort is important to anyone at any age but it
is particularly important to older folks what choosing an automobile.
Comfortable and even heated seats help with folks that are living with
arthritis. Keeping in and out of a car is equally important. In car lighting
can be beneficial to those who have problems with vision as well.
Plan trips ahead of time
Plan every trip that you are taking in the car ahead of time, this eliminates great confusion
1. Avoid driving at night when the dark skies can play tricks on your vision.
2. Check the weather before driving, if you think that a rain storm is about to pop up why not wait till the storm passes.
3. If you are prescribed to wear glasses to drive by all means wear them. Driving without your glasses isn't a good idea.
4. Do you take meds, check with your doctor to see if any of them can impair you're driving.
5. Don't use the cell phone while driving.
6. Exercise helps your flexibility which in turn helps you behind
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.