Cause over Effect
I See It Like This.
As David R. Hawkins states so plainly in his book Power vs. Force, "Society constantly expends it's efforts to correct efforts instead of causes, which is one reason why the development of human consciousness proceeds so slowly." Then he goes on the explain how we has humans have access to genius if ever we desire. I find that fascinating to say the least. Imagine there is a magical cave full of wonder that if entered, the potential to know everything could be possessed. A mind so clear and precise that we not only see what is right in front of our faces but of that unseen, but it will be in a different light; an understanding beyond our wildest dreams. But no one enters out of fear of what may be discovered. We are much the same in the aspect of over half the human race is living in darkness. We are afraid of what we do not know, so we continue to go day by day avoiding what is concealed.
With this I have taken on the challenge to dig deeper to see what I could reveal. I have been reading this book and I am extremely satisfied with it's contents. He speaks of the human race and how we have an untapped potential. Since reading, I have grown more aware as he states would happen in the introduction. From the parts I have came across so far this one in particular stood out to me, among other things I would like to examine this topic. The subject of cause and effect. What exactly do they mean? Well he put it like this; We humans are dumb and focus on learning effects through trial and error, rather then finding the reason behind why something may have happened. We are insane and continue going through the same motions in hopes that we learn after the 3rd or 4th attempt. What he really mentioned was a lot more advanced but I am not quiet ready to embark that part of the journey yet. So I will simplify to my understanding at this time. I understand that spiritual awakening is a process and a rather slow one. There is no instant gratification. He does state that becoming aware of our potential is more simple then we make it, but one will never see until crossing over. I am on my way.
So let us focus on the cause. I see it as the flip side of the effect. A 'cause' is a beginning, a creator, a foundation. It happens first and then we have effect, which is essential a result, or conclusion. Cause is the matter, the origin, the root of it all. Through trial and error I learned that many things can be done and failed, but if we figured out the basis before ever making the mistake, would it really make the outcome different? Would it be a different event entirely? Or would we react out of repetition of others behavior? I can say that I am quiet the master of following the crowd from previous experience. Earlier in time it was my go to reaction, I fell back on it when frightened or stressed; it became my comfort and security blanket. If everyone was doing it then it must be the better option, right? WRONG! The mass majority will all follow each other and fail together. Aside of those few who choose to stand back and watch as they flounder, and then as the bystander designate a different procedure. But not everyone is like that; many will be completely inattentive that the mass majority is falling short until it is personally crashed and burned. That may sound a little pessimistic, so let me put it this way. You are walking through a business building and you notice everyone using the stairs instead of the elevator. There is no sign that says it is broken, people are just not using it. Would you wonder if something was wrong with the elevator, and follow the crowd in fear that it may shut down on you? Or do you use it anyway to find the reason no one is utilizing it? It makes you curious right. If no one is doing something that people typically do, you begin to wonder if something is out of place. That is just human nature. We typically do not go outside the norm of society. We go with the flow and with what is "popular." Which explains why everyone is going for the newest gadget or shopping at the most trendy stores.
So what does all that babble have to do with cause and effect? Well if you are the one who decides to take the elevator and come to terms with the fact that indeed nothing is wrong with it, you advice the general population that the elevator is in perfect working order and more people begin to use it. Or you choose not to go into that crowded shop and investigate a smaller less fashionable place. But it is he/she who decides to jump out and make the courageous change that develops a different conclusion. Today's society mocks change. But if done with a clear head, the effect of the majority will not be a factor, and the right tribe will follow. There is an altered viewpoint, a shift in reality happens, in all forms. But to put it simply, if no one goes out of their way to break the cycle we will continue going on and on like a hamster on a wheel; or robots in line for an unknown destination. Falling into the effect of an unknown cause.
In my journey I have comes to terms with the fact that just because everyone is doing something does not make it attractive to me. Of course you heard a parent or friend say, "If everyone jumps off a bridge, would you follow?" It sounds ridiculous put like that but it is strictly how it works. We must be that change that does not react out of repetition of others, or because it just looks cool. That is how we constantly end up with the same results. Rewind and find the core of the situation and create a different outcome.
Humans are flawed and we were never mean't to learn from trial and error much past the ancient days, why? Because the caveman gave us the tools. They learned from trial and error, wrote books and shared there knowledge so we would not end up having to learn the hard way. We do not still try to create light with lightening, because Thomas Edison did it for us, so we do not have to. That is why we educate ourselves with history.
With all that being said, I am no shaman by any means and I still have plenty of growing to do. But as Gandhi once said "Be the change you wish to see in the world", so I learn skills and read up on those great ones before me. I do not want to bang my head against the wall and wonder why it hurts. Richard R. Hawkins proceeds to explain in the next couple of pages of the book, how "Societal choices, more often then not, are the result of expediency, statistical fallacy, sentiment, political or media pressure, or personal prejudice and vested interest. Crucial decisions affecting the lives of everyone on the planet are made under conditions that virtually guarantee failure." which he goes on to explain how we lack the necessary reality base to form effective problem resolutions. I mentioned this before in a previous article and I will say it again. We cannot change how we were raised or change what has already happened. But we can however, step out and be the one who makes the difference.
Do not fall into a repetitious pattern of thinking. The world is evolving all around us and we can either fall in line with a monotonous day to day and then die, or create new pathways for new and exciting events.