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Checking your blood pressure with not devices at all....

Updated on November 6, 2009


Let’s say you are at home, restaurant, street or in a party, and you start feeling lightly symptoms like: Headache, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea or even faint. If you are Hypertension (high blood pressure) or Hypotension (low blood pressure), you start worry about it. It could be your Blood Pressure or not? But Not having your blood pressure checked with you to measure your blood pressure could be a problem, because you have to go to the pharmacy store or bother someone asking one.


Check your blood pressure with only your right hand. This method is not intended to diagnostic, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It only gives you an idea how bad or good is your blood pressure.

1. Stand up with your hand down (like a military) next to a strong wall or a post. You have to stand up very close, almost touching the wall or post, but do not touch it.(See Figure 1)

2. Clench your right hand like a fist. Do not move. Keep your hands down

3. Push with your right hand close the wall or post. It I very important that you make press with your right hand only DO NOT PUSH THE WALL WITH YOU BODY, PRESURE HAVE TO BE WITH YOUR HAND ONLY AGAINST THE WALL.

4. Hold the pressure against the wall for 20 seconds. (If you don’t have watch you can count until 20).

5. Release your arm and get away from the wall or post.

6. Keep your right arm stretch. You are going to feel like your right hand is lightly and start to float up. (keep your hand stretch all time).

7. When you feel that your right arm is not floating any more, stop at this spot your arm.

8. Results:

If your arm finishes like a 90 degrees angle referent to your ribs you have Normal Blood Pressure. (see Figure 2 Results)

If your arm finishes lower than 90 degrees angle you have Low Blood Pressure. (the lower angle the lower blood pressure you have in that moment). (See Figure 3 Results)

If your arm finishes higher than 90 degrees angle you have High Blood Pressure. (the higher angle the higher blood pressure you have in that moment). (See Figure 4 Results)

You can try it this all the time and you are going to find out how valuable it is this simple nature tools.


  • Cayenne
    Cayenne contains an active ingredient capsaicin. It has multiple functions including the ability to lower high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease and strokes.
  • Bugleweed
    Bugleweed can help alleviate heart palpitation.

  • Ginkgo biloba
    Ginkgo biloba can help to support peripheral circulation, and aids small vessel circulation therefore reducing high blood pressure.
  • Tansy
    Tansy is a herb for heart palpitation and also helps to regulating blood circulation. Tansy can be consumed as a tea.
  • Garlic
    Garlic shines as a cardiovascular disease preventive. It contributes to the lowering of cholesterol levels and elevated blood pressure,.It also helps prevent blog clots in the arterial wall when taken with vitamin E.
  • Arjuna
    Arjuna is an Ayurvedic herb for improving circulation to the heart and normalizing high blood pressure. It also helps to reverse soft tissue damage to internal organs and muscles
  • Mistletoe
    Mistletoe extract helps to relive heart strain, stimulate circulation and lower blood pressure. Do not eat mistletoe berries because it is poisonous


I would like to dedicate this hub to MS Rochelle Frank for correct my grammar in my first hub.


Picture Examples

Figure 1
Figure 1
Figure 2 Results
Figure 2 Results
Figure 3 Results
Figure 3 Results
Figure 4 Results
Figure 4 Results

Merry Christmas Hot Deals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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