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CoQ10 - Was Another Possible Cure for Cancer Found in Denmark

Updated on January 3, 2016

CoQ10 is Widely Available Over the Counter


Common Supplement May Help Cancer

What if a supplement sold in grocery stores was shown to arrest cancer and, in some cases, even make it disappear?

Would you believe it if I told you a group of respected researchers found evidence that CoQ10 is most likely a powerful weapon against cancer, which, each year, kills millions of people around the world?

In the 1990s, Dr. Karl Folkers, Ph.D., along with two medical doctors, researched the effects of giving 32 breast cancer patients supplemental CoQ10, a vitamin-like anti-oxidant normally produced by the body.

Natural reserves of CoQ10 are believed to diminish with age. It is also well-known that breast cancer patients have lower-than-normal levels of this substance.

The women in Dr. Folkers' study had advanced metastatic disease, for which conventional medicine offers no cure.

These patients were given 90 mg. of CoQ10 each day. What happened next is nothing short of remarkable. A small minority saw their tumors shrink instead of progress. Two of the women in the study then broke away from the pack. They began taking three and four times the recommended dose and their tumors disappeared.

Although the entire group also took other supplements, upping their intake of CoQ10 was the only thing these two did differently.

Similar results are seen with prostate cancer. One of Dr. Folkers' colleagues from the United States gave high doses of CoQ10 to 30 men with prostate cancer. Evidence of disease regression was seen in the men's PSA levels, which measures cancer activity, returning to normal.

Due to published reports and media interest in CoQ10, it has become widely available as an over-the-counter dietary supplement.

Another Story of Cancer Cured with CoQ10

Although the following account is not a scientific study of CoQ10's effect on cancer, it certainly is an interesting anecdote.

Dr. Folkers, who once worked for a large drug company, left and eventually began to pursue his dream of seeing CoQ10 used as a front-line cancer treatment. One of his benefactors then developed a highly aggressive and invariably fatal form of lung cancer.

At Dr. Folkers' suggestion, this man began taking high doses of CoQ10, which cured his cancer. This was the only treatment he had, according to an account published by Dr. James Howenstine, an internal medicine practitioner who advocates supplementing with this anti-oxidant as a possible cancer treatment. Dr. Howenstine has written a book called A Physician's Guide to Natural Health Products that Work.

Dr. Howenstine also believes this CoQ10 can greatly assist patients with multiple sclerosis, Alheimzer's Disease and other chronic debilitating conditions.

In addition, CoQ10 is very good for your heart. Doctors in Japan, in the past, have prescribed it to treat heart disease.

A Supplement with Many Benefits


Who Should Take CoQ10?

Since I'm not a physician, and do not hold any type of medical degree, I cannot legally recommend that anyone take CoQ10.

However, if I were fighting active cancer I wouldn't think twice about adding this powerful anti-oxidant to my regimen, along with other tumor-fighting substances. It would be included as part of an overall treatment plan that included a diet without processed foods that was also heavy on organic fruits and vegetables and organically produced meats.

One problem with supplemental CoQ10, however, is that the body doesn't absorb it well when taken internally. This is why some practitioners suggest eating it with certain (healthy) fats, such as coconut oil. There is also advice to mix this supplement with hot tea or water, as it has a melting temperature about 10 degrees higher than the human body.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not meant to diagnose‚ treat or cure any disease or medical condition. This article is not intended as medical advice and the author accepts no responsibility for treatment decisions or adverse outcomes. People with health concerns should seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional. Women who are nursing or pregnant should not take dietary supplements unless directed to do so by a healthcare professional.


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