Coronavirus Prevention and Recovery
Coronavirus is a respiratory disease that can lead to death if patient is not well handled. It is caused by a family of viruses but I am going to focus more on how to prevent it if you don't have and how to recover from it if you have it. All this will emphasize on self care.
How to prevent coronavirus.
1. Avoid crowded places.
If it is possible by all means avoid crowded places. This will prevent you from coming into contact with people who are already infected. But if you cannot avoid crowded places, wear medical face masks, carry wet wipes or hand sanitizer and avoid touching things and most importantly your face.
2. Wash your hands.
It is important that you wash your hands frequently. You can use hand sanitizer or wet wipes but most importantly, please do wash your hands. Don't forget to wash hands before wearing medical masks and after removing them.
3. Drink warm liquids.
Warm water, tea and soup can help ease any respiratory irritations. If you are allergic to cold or dust, then drink warm liquids.
4. Stay at home.
Now that coronavirus is a pandemic, try as much as possible to stay at home or even work from home. Only go out when it is important to do so.
5. Pray.
Don't neglect God during this trying times. Pray and read Psalm chapter 91 for encouragement.
6. Do not fear.
People who overcome deadly illnesses always have a strong will to live and they never fear even when they are told their chances of surviving an illness is minimal. As we will see in the next points how to recover when you are infected with the virus.
Self care to recover from coronavirus.
1. Don't neglect the points above on prevention.
Continue avoiding public places. Wash hands and stay at home. Pray to God and remember not to let fear consume you but instead trust God and He will give you strength.
2. Home remedy to ease symptoms.
Get ginger, lemon and honey. Chop some pieces of ginger and one medium sized lemon. Put them in a measure of two glasses of water and boil the mixture. Sieve and pour in a cup. Mix with one spoon of honey and stir. Drink while it is hot or warm. Do this in the morning and evening consistently for the first three days. You will later decide if you want to continue with the home remedy and also the frequency.
3. Eat well.
Your body is fighting a virus and therefore you need to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables too.
3. Drink plenty of water.
You need more fluids to flash out the toxins. So don't neglect drinking water.
4. Self quarantine.
Try as much as possible not to be around people. You are doing this for them and it shows how much you love them because you are protecting them from catching the infection from you.
5. Seek medical attention.
Just Incase your symptoms are not mild, please seek medical attention. If you experience difficulty breathing, please seek immediate help.
6. You will recover.
Don't forget that your will to live and positive reaction to the sickness will help you get better quickly. Don't fear and don't blame yourself. Your fellow brethren are going through the same temptation. So fight the good fight of faith. You will overcome!
In conclusion, I believe those infected are not victims but warriors because you are going through a test. It is written in the scriptures that God will never allow you to be tempted beyond your ability. There is always a way out.