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Swear Words Can Be Beneficial For Your Pain

Updated on February 5, 2018
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Linda (Kaywood) Bilyeu is a self-published author. Her books are available on Amazon. She writes from the heart—there is no other way.

Swear Away Your Pain

Swearing and cursing are something most of us don't do on a daily basis, but there are times when you gotta do what you gotta do.

I don't know about you but I think that curse words can make one appear unattractive and uneducated. So there are times that I might appear to be ugly and dumb. But I'm good with that since I do think that swear words help ease the sudden pain that I might experience.

I'm not perfect and when I get fired up I have a tendency to curse but I usually regret it afterwards. Well most of the time. OK, I don't really regret it, unless kids hear me. At that time I have some explaining to do which I'd rather not have to do since I am in PAIN!

I'm sure we all needed our mouths washed out with soap at one time or another. Haven't you?

Curse Words
Curse Words | Source

Parental Guidance Recommended

A recent British research shows that by vocalizing curse words when injured they can actually help us endure the pain better.

The study consisted of a group of people who were asked to stick their hands in ice cold water for an extended period of time.

The members of the group who repeated swear words had a higher heart rate and lasted longer than the ones who used neutral words. In addition cursing can benefit your health...higher heart rate = cardiovascular workout = calorie burn = good for your health.

Think about the last time you hurt yourself? Imagine yourself saying "Oh fudge, I think I twisted my ankle." Do you really think that would help you deal with the agonizing pain?

Now imagine that scenario again and picture yourself saying "#$%& it, this #$^& hurts." A bit less stressful, wasn't it?

Granted people within earshot of you might be thrown off guard and offended, but heck they aren't the ones in pain so they can deal with it.

Take into account it also depends on what type of person you are. If you're an expressive person then you will be able to deal with pain more than someone who is less passive.

Regardless pain hurts and the sooner it diminishes...the better.

This Article Does Not Endorse Swearing

There are people who hold back and those who let loose. Depending on your personality is how you will react to pain. If you are normally very verbal, but keep quiet during a painful incident that could make the experience much more painful for you.

There are better ways to relieve pain such as applying a compress, ice or heat but it's the initial onset of pain that makes most of us want to go "#$&@" and "&%$#"!

For instance, you are slicing a bagel and cut your finger, and as you watch the blood seep out of your injury would saying, "Goodness gracious, I think I might need stitches" make you feel less distress?

Or would an alternative saying such as "WTF, I need stitches now because this $%^# is never going to stop @#$% bleeding, make you feel less anxious?

There are all different ways that we can react to pain and trauma. We are all unique in that way.

Some of us are more creative than others. It's a fact that fear and anxiety don't cause the pain, but they can magnify the perception of the injury.

So the next time you get injured and you want to feel less excruciating pain remember that swearing does help with the hurts. Just be sure there is nobody who will be offended in hearing distance.

Don't feel guilty about expressing your agony, we need to do what we need to do sometimes.

Now as you go forward and encounter your bumps and bruises along the way may you think of this article and may it bring you some #$&*@ relief.

Other Methods To Relieve Pain

If you are a perfect person who prefers not to use swear words, there is hope for you!

There are many other ways to relieve pain without having to succumb to foul language.

A suggested list of quick remedies are:

  • Applying ice to a swollen area or a hot pack to a pulled muscle...this is a matter of preference. What treatments work for some, might not work for others.
  • Take short breaths. Quickly breathing in and out, but not so much that you hyperventilate.
  • Grab onto an object nearest to you...and squeeze HARD! Make sure the object is sturdy so that you don't lose balance and cause another injury.
  • A shot or two of whiskey could possibly help dull your aches. If not, try another shot.
  • Clench your teeth and recite the alphabet, quickly. Or you could count, quickly, until the pain subsides.
  • Try not to focus on the pain. Easier said than done. But, if you try to shift your thoughts to the positive side, such as, at least you are still alive to share this traumatic memory...just maybe, your pain will feel less intrusive. Hopefully.
  • Take two aspirin and call the doctor in the morning.

Why you should swear more...

I am NOT the type of

person you should put

on speaker phone. Ever!

Do swear words help you deal with pain better?

See results

© 2011 Linda Bilyeu


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