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Updated on November 10, 2014

Dreams and What They Mean to The Dreamer

Dreams have been an interest to people since time began. Dreams are a release from our waking moments in life. Dreams can be informative. Dreams can solve problems. Some dreams have been known to be warning signs. Dreams and their meanings have puzzled even the experts in their interpretations. Dreams and what they mean to the dreamer have led to many books and studies on the subject. They are a mystery to our own minds and an escape from the stress of reality.

Inventors have found information in dreams leading them to great success. It could be common objects invented years ago were the product of a dream. Story tellers and song writers have had ideas come to them as they sleep. Scientist find answers to solutions and information about future happenings are displayed in the mind of the common men as well as the famous. Dreams and what they mean to the dreamer will give us all a sense of the unconscious mind’s ability to direct the conscious mind in decision making.

Most everyone has at least one dream they remember well, no matter how long ago they had the dream. The dreamer holds the key as to what the dream was telling them. Not one of us will have a dream entirely like someone else. The dreams we have are as unique as we are. The meaning of these dreams depends on how we relate to a certain dream symbol in our waking lives. For example, if we dream of a house we may be only touching the surface as to what is going on emotionally in our lives. The appearance of the structure is telling us about our own bodies and the emotional turmoil set in our own minds. A cluttered run down house could be a symbol of our way of thinking. We need to clean out old ideas which are not working for us anymore. An empty house means we are ready to move forward in our lives. Cleaning a house tells us we are searching for a way to improve ourselves in our waking hours. Dream symbols don’t apply to every dream or every dreamer. As with the house symbol, if you build, sell or clean houses for a living it’s donating a release of stress from your work.

You can locate dream dictionaries both online and in paper form, but don’t expect to unravel your own dream meanings by simply looking up the various definitions of a dream symbol. While the dictionary may give you an idea to think about, it’s up to you to find the mystery behind your dream. I am not an expert in the field of dream analysis, but I have read a great deal about finding the meaning to dreams. Nearly every source agrees that dreams and what they mean to the dreamer depends on each individual evaluating their own state of mind at the time of the dreams.

Are Dreams Only Dreams?

Weird and funny release dreams are nothing more than relieving stress levels we can’t shake while we are awake. Most likely a weird dream will make you remember it for the simple reason it makes little sense. Within this strange drama could be a warning sign or information depending on how the dreamer sees it. As with many people I believe I have a gift of dreams. Many of my dreams contain information or warning signs to an upcoming event. I don’t always remember dreams well unless they are a bit out of the ordinary. Coincident or not nearly every time I visit a deceased loved one in a dream I lose someone else or something of importance to me. Sometimes these events happen within hours of the dream in question. Most of these dreams are not disturbing to me at the time unless certain elements exist. I had a series of three weird dreams not long ago all in one night where I saw three of my loved ones who have passed on. One of them visited each dream. I talk about these dreams in detail on another hub. Within hours of these dreams I lost a second cousin. Also within hours of these dreams one of my co-workers caused an auto accident which resulted in damage to the building I work in and I am thankful to say no one was seriously hurt. The point is this could have been what the dreams were telling me about. The dreams also could have been nothing more release from everyday stress and my visitors may have been nothing more than visitors. Coincidence or not, things have happened before with more disturbing outcomes after a dream such as these.

A couple of days before I lost my dad back in 2003 I had a dream where my dad’s brother Don and I were visiting at my dad’s kitchen table. Uncle Don has been gone since 1990. It was the only time I was visited by Uncle Don in a dream. We were there by ourselves wondering where everyone had gone. Even with the warning sign, my dad’s death was a complete surprise to me. Years later I had a dream I was visiting with my dad. His long time next door neighbor passed away within days of that dream.

Dream symbols by definition from various sources have always been interesting to me. Often the source’s meanings hold true to my own dreams. It is not always the case. Muddy water according to most dream dictionaries suggest, overwhelming emotions. A dream of muddy water has always meant something entirely different to me. Add muddy water along with a bit of smoke and I can expect something horrible to happen, usually sickness to someone I hold dear. My mom was blessed with the same meaning to this dream symbol.


Our Subconscious Mind Could Be Telling Us Something

Dreams and what they mean to the dreamer can make for interesting discussions if no more than for a good laugh. Years ago a short time after I had started a new job as an egg grader, I had one bizarre dream where I saw stacks and stacks of egg filled flats sitting under a carport type structure covered with a tarp. I lifted the tarp to find every egg had an eyeball much like that of a snake. Funny stuff, yes, but I had been working fifty some hours that week and my eyes begin to bother me. I needed a new pair of glasses and I knew what this dream was telling me. My co-workers roared with laughter when I told them about the dream. To this day I may get asked if I still dream about eggs with eyeballs.

I feel it’s important to pay attention to what our subconscious mind is telling us. Our conscious mind is often filled with too much activity to notice things we should be prepared for. Con artist play with the minds of the unaware and a simple visit from a fox in your dream may let you know you have been outwitted by someone. I’ll leave a link to another hub explaining my fox dream.


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