Detoxing Your Way To Health
Why Am I Detoxing?
For years, I have been dealing with medical issues that the Doctors cannot explain. Instead of finding the root of the problem and correcting it, Doctors were prescribing medications to cover up my symptoms.
I was getting tired of taking handfuls of medicine each day. I want to get off all the medications that I have been prescribed. Sometimes I wonder if the medications are causing more problems.
I have been looking into Natural Medicine and how it can treat medical issues. I read books from people who healed themselves naturally. I was ready to get off the medication roller coaster and get on with my life.
My Symptoms
adult-onset asthma
| constant weezing
| sinusitis
very high mucus production
| left ear fullness
| right eyelid twitch
adult-onset food allergy
| migraines
| tired all the time
Juicing is much easier than trying to eat all of the vegetables you need to eat to reach your daily requirements.
Sure, you are missing the fiber, but would you eat that many vegetables in a day?
I bought a Hamilton Beach Juicer. It was the cheapest, high quality juicer I could find.
I took a few juicing books out of the library and looked up juicing recipes online.
The main thing that I took away from all of the juicing information out there was to use more vegetable than fruit in your juices.
Fruit contains a lot of sugar in the form of fructose.
If you have sugar imbalance issues (like diabetes or hypoglycemia) you will want to add as few fruits as possible to your juice or add low sugar fruits.
It does take a lot of vegetables and fruits to make a juice, but I buy what is sale (which is usually what is in season also).
I have also stopped taking my multivitamin since I am getting most of my vitamins and minerals from the juices.
I have noticed that I have a lot more energy and I haven't been getting sick as often. I used to get a sinus infection every couple months.
Another nice benefit of juicing is that my blood pressure and heart rate have gone down.
I used to have a blood pressure reading of around 126/76. My last two reading have been 100/70!
My pulse has dropped too! I have a fitbit and I notice that when I get sick, My pulse rate goes up. I was at 76 beats per minute before juicing. Now my pulse is 66 beats per minute!
Low Sugar Fruits
| cranberries
| raspberries
| strawberries
| limes
| rhubarb
| blueberries
Juicing Fruits And Vegetables
Herbal Detox Remedy
With all the antibiotics and medication I have been on in my life, there is bound to be some residue left in my system.
Also, the antibiotics kill off good and bad bacteria which could leave a person with the wrong ratio of good and bad bacteria.
When there is more bad bacteria than good bacteria in your gut, you could develop Candida issues.
Candida is a form of yeast that causes infections. It is good to do a detox every once in a while to get rid of all the toxins in your system, including Candida.
Symptoms of Candida may include:
- Skin and nail fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus
- Feeling tired and worn down, or suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
- Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
- Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma, or multiple sclerosis
- Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus, ADD, ADHD, and brain fog
- Skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes
- Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
- Vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, rectal itching, or vaginal itching
- Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
- Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings
I did a little research and found Garden of Life's Fungal Defense. It is a two week course of pills that contain all natural ingredients that get rid of the toxins in your system. You gradually increase the dosage until you have reached your maximum and then you stay at that dose for a little over a week.
While I was taking Fungal Defense, I noticed that I was breaking out on my face. Each pimple would only last a day. It was the toxins leaving my body!
I felt better than I had felt in a while. Normally, I catch every cold that goes through our house, but I did not catch the cold my children had while I was on the pills!
I decided to buy another bottle, just in case I feel a cold coming on. I get chronic ear and sinus infections and they exaserbate my asthma. This past week, I felt like I was getting another sinus/ear infection. I took one fungal defense a day for two days and it is gone!
How did detoxing help you?
Healthy Food
Super Dose Of Probiotics
Super Probiotics
After I finished the two-week long detox, I took a super-probiotic to replace and feed the good bacteria. I took Garden of Life's RAW probiotic 5-Day Max Care.
It says five days, but if you use the scoop that they include, it will last 6 days. It is in powder form and it tastes a bit like malt. I put a scoop in my glass of water each day and drank it.
Each scoop contained 400 billion CFU and 34 probiotic strains. In maintenance mode, you should take around 15 billion CFU, so this contains a lot more than you would need on a daily basis. That is the reason it is only a 5 day regime.
The only side-effect that I had during the 5 days was gassiness and bloating. I was very gassy! Sorry if that it too much information.
I finished the 5 day course and I feel better than I had in a while!
Chiropractic Care
I have been seeing a chiropractor for a few months. She was able to find which discs were off and she is correcting them every other week.
She also gave me exercises to do to loosen the muscles around those discs.
Each disc effects a different system in your body, so it one is off it could cause all sorts of symptoms. My C1 is off, so I inserted a C1 video below.
I have noticed that I am slowly beginning to feel better since I started going to the chiropractor. It is a slow process, but much better than taking medicine to cover the symptoms!
C1, C2 Instability
Detox Results
I finished the detox cleanse and probiotic regimen last week. Overall, I feel better than I did before. I am also keeping up with a daily juicing which I began a couple months ago.
I had eye twitching throughout the day. My right upper eyelid would twitched continuously for months before I began the detox and probiotic. The twitching has disappeared!
My left ear has gotten a bit better. I still feel fullness, but it is not constant. I have periods throughout the day where my ear feels normal again.
Was The Detox Worth It?
Yes! It was definitely worth it! Even though it did not clear up my asthma or allergies, it did completely get rid of the twitch in my eye. What a relief!
I am now on a daily dose of probiotics (regular strength) to keep my gut bacteria balanced.
I still have gassiness. I am lactose intolerant and I have a few food allergies and sensitivities, so that could be causing it. I am thinking of trying a digestive enzyme.
I already take Lactaid if I know something has dairy in it. I haven't had dairy in a while, but I'm still gassy. I am not sure what is causing it, but it seems to be right after I eat. That will be my next experiment!