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Developing a Dream Vision: Building Your Happy Place

Updated on June 30, 2009

Meditate on a Perfect Life!

A method that many people use to quickly improve their mood is to develop a dream vision (happy place). The idea of using a dream vision is to be able to turn inward during times of external pressure or to shift focus from a negative pattern of thinking. Indulging in a dream vision is a form of meditation that can be easier for many people to execute than traditional meditation (emptying the mind or repeating a mantra).

I will explain one method of developing a dream vision:

1) Consider how you would like your life to look at some point in the future, whether it is six months, a year, two years or five years from now. They key here is “how you would like your life to look,” not “what you think is realistic.” This is an opportunity to fantasize about what you want. Perhaps you see yourself throwing an early retirement party, lying on a beach in Hawaii at sunset, dining in a top restaurant in Paris, standing on the Great Wall of China at noon, or climbing to the summit of Mount Everest. The dream vision is more powerful if you incorporate talents or ambitions that you already have and see the fruits of your labor. If you are an aspiring artist, perhaps you see yourself with your works on exhibit at the Guggenheim museum in New York. If you have ambitions of being a writer, perhaps you see yourself in an interview with Larry King or Oprah. You get the idea.

2) Consider who you are with. Who is supporting you in your dream vision? Existing friends and family? An existing significant other? A new and ideal significant other? New friends? Famous friends? What supportive words are they saying to you? What are you saying to them?

3) See yourself enjoying the moment, smiling and laughing with those around you and taking it (the experience) all in.

4) Imagine the sensory detail. What does the air smell like? What time of day is it? What's the temperature? What are you wearing and how does it feel on your skin? Are you eating or drinking anything? How does it taste? What words are you speaking? Feel the positive emotions of the moment.

5) Call on your dream vision whenever you need it. Even create more than one since different dream visions can lift your mood in different ways under different circumstances. All it takes is a minute or two to vastly improve your mood. And each time you experience your dream vision, it will become more holographic and easier to call up to your mind.

Final Tips:

Make the experience as real as possible. Immerse yourself into the dream vision. At the very least, you will manage to focus your attention away from negativity and confusion and towards a happy, positive possibility. Does this solve the underlying issue that was bringing you down? Perhaps not, but when you are in a positive mood, it is easier to find creative solutions to whatever challenges you may be facing. And for those of you who believe in and accept the Law of Attraction/Vibration, focusing your thoughts, emotions and energy on what you want makes it that much more likely to eventually come true. Now wouldn't living your dream be a lot better than feeling down?

Read my article on achieving Instant Happiness here.

Please feel free to share the elements of your ideal dream vision in the comments below.




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