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Diet for Osteoarthritis

Updated on May 29, 2013

Osteoarthritis And Diet

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease, the cartilage breaks down over time allowing the adjoining bones to rub together causing pain, swelling, stiffness and limited mobility.

A well balanced healthy diet can help to prevent osteoarthritis later in life and can ease the symptoms if you already suffer from it. Certain foods contain vitamins and minerals that can help to rebuild cartilage, reduce swelling and lubricate the joints.

Counting the calories can also be effective in easing the symptoms of osteoarthritis, by losing weight or maintaining your present weight the levels of stress on the joints and bones are significantly reduced.

Eat Healthy to Prevent Osteoarthritis

Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins for osteo arthritis sufferers.
Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins for osteo arthritis sufferers. | Source

Diet Plan for Osteoarthritis

Although there are no set diet plans for osteoarthritis, certain foods contain the vitamins and minerals that the body needs to help build and lubricate the joints.

Foods that are high in anti-oxidants are also of benefit to sufferers of osteoarthritis, they help to remove impurities from the body which protect the cells of your body from damage.

The table below shows vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the symptoms of osteoarthritis and how each of them helps the joints ,skin and bones and in which foods they are found in.

Vitamins and Minerals for Osteoarthritis

Use In Joints
Food Source
Vitamin A
Helps to replace worn tissue.
Cheese, oily fish, milk, liver, eggs and most dairy products
Vitamin B6
Helps to rebuild cartilage.
Meat, fish , fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains
Vitamin C
Production and repair of connective tissue.
Citrus fruits such as oranges or Strawberries and vegetables such as kale or cabbage.
Vitamin E
Blocks enzymes that break down cartilage.
Tomato, sunflower seeds,spinach pumpkins, nuts, shellfish
Anti-inflamitory to reduce swelling.
Grape seed, cranberries,
Zinc picolinate
Powerful anti-oxident that cleans out the cells in the body, protecting them from damage.
Seafood, beef, lamb, poultry, vegetables, beans and nuts, dairy products and eggs
Powerful anti-oxident that cleans out the cells in the body.
Oily fish, nuts, dairy products, Beef, liver, lamb, pork, eggs onions and mushrooms.
Promotes the maintenance of healthy bone tissue.
Dairy produce, vegetables, grains, fish.
Essential for nerve, muscle and bone health.
fish, almonds, spinach and whole wheat.
Helps with bone health and acts as an anti-oxidant also known to relieve pain.
Wheat Germ and Bran, Nuts, shell fish, Roasted Pumpkin and Squash Seeds, Chili Powder and Sunflower Seeds
Relieves pain, lubricates joints.
Fruit and vegetables, nuts, wheatgerm, red grapes, red wine

Dietary Supplements for Osteoarthritis


Vitamins And Suppliments for Osteoarthritis

There are many supplements available in health stores aimed at relieving the symptoms of joint pain and osteoarthritis, most of these supplements contain Chondroitin, Glucosamine sulphate or MSM.

Some supplements contain combinations of two of these ingredients or even all three.

Glucosamine Sulphate, Helps rebuild cartilage, and tissues that connect bones to each other such as tendons or ligaments.

Chondroitin, helps keep the cartilage healthy by absorbing fluid into connective tissue.

MSM, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, helps to reduce pain and swelling, help with blood flow and reduce muscle spasms.

Some supplements may have side effects and can also interact with prescription drugs, you should always consult your doctor before taking them.

Glucosamine should be avoided if you are diabetic, Chondroitin is made from shell fish and should be avoided if you have a seafood allergy.

If you are pregnant or breast feeding please consult a medical proffesional before taking any supplements.

These supplements have had a lot of positive reviews but it may be well to remembered that they have not yet been approved or evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Diet and Excercise

A healthy balanced Diet and regular exercise from an early age will not only help to avoid osteoarthritis in later life but the benefits to your health as a whole will be significant allowing you to live a longer pain free life.


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