Do You Have Insomnia?
Do you have Insomnia?
Out of all the sleep disorders the one that you probably have heard the most of is insomnia. Whenever someone has a bad night sleeping for any reason is it usually attributed to some form of insomnia. But is it really the problem?
Insomnia is defined as “difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, or having non-refreshing sleep for at least 1 month” by the PubMed Health. So insomnia can only be called insomnia if there a pattern of poor rest over a short period of time.
What problems do insomnia cause?
The most obvious problem is lack of energy, if you don’t get your rest you wouldn’t feel refreshed and ready to go the next morning. Another common problem is stress and anxiety. Without much sleep your ability to handle difficult situations will be lessened. A serious consequence of being tired in the morning is car accidents.
What can cure insomnia?
Luckily there are a lot of common sense things, often referred to as sleep hygiene, that you can follow to stop insomnia.
1. Go to sleep at the same time every night
2. Don’t eat before you go to bed.
3. Don’t exercise right before you go to bed.
4. Limit the amount of caffeine that you drink during the day
5. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink at night
Meditation is great way to relax before going to bed and using a sound machine can also be helpful. If doing all these things doesn’t help talk to your doctor about other treatments such as cognitive behavior therapy.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.