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How to Dream Share or Mutual Dreaming, Inception, Extraction, and Creation

Updated on October 16, 2012

Dream Sharing


Dream Sharing

Sited Per Wikipedia "In ancient Egypt, dreams were among the items recorded in the form of hieroglyphics. In ancient Egyptian culture dream sharing had a religious context as priests doubled as dream interpreters."

From the film Inception
From the film Inception

How to Dream Share


The idea here is that two or more people are in a shared dream state each experiencing the dream from the own unique perspective. When awake the participants recall details, places, even meetings with people they saw when having the dream.

If you've seen the film Inception you may have a vague idea of dream sharing. The movie was amazing and very detailed in the concepts used. But if you get lost in the storyline you will miss the truth behind the art.The truth is it is possible to share a dream. In this article I will walk you though the ideas and concepts of shared dreaming and the how to on what you need to do in order to share them. the great thing is you won't need sedation or needles, no anchors into reality. It is a simple and wonderfully awesome experience.

The idea of shared or mutual dreams is very very old dating back to 4000 B.C.. A significantly detailed and vivid dream was thought to have special meanings in ancient societies. People who were able to understand and interpret dreams were thought to be in contact with deities or God and were often held in special regard by society. In the 19th century dreams began to be dismissed through reasoning as the mind working out the problems encountered in our daily waking lives. It was believed that these dreams were the result of misfiring synaptic functions in the brain and that they really had no meaning at all. But in the 19th century psychiatrist Sigmund Freud changed the dream-scape by stressing the importance of symbolism and context within dreams as ways to see into the subconscious mind of a subject.

Stephen LaBerge in his book (Lucid Dreaming) claims that the dream world may be objectively real because the possibility that two minds can experience a shared dream state. If this is true what would it mean for the traditional belief that dreams are not real. If our thoughts are real, are not our imaginings? What does this mean about our ideas of reality as we experience it when awake? Is it possible that we actually exist on two planes? One plane physical and the other based on thought forms.

At the Monroe Institute in Virginia Tom Campbell wrote that during their dream experiments he himself and other participants used a skill of being consciously aware while their body slept and that they were able to meet in the dream world while their sleep patterns were recorded inside a control room.

Robert Monroe the founder of the Monroe Institute conducted research into out of body experiences for over forty years. Research into lucid sleep and conscious awareness in the sleep state helped find evidence of shared dreaming. Research into shared dream states was also conducted by the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Contests showed some positive results in the area of mutual or shared dreams.

Sharing a Dream, Controlling the Dream, Implantation (Inception), and Extraction:

Don't think of a PINK ELEPHANT...

When you read the words "PINK ELEPHANT" what did you see in your mind? This is the genesis of thought.

Dreams work in much the same way when we have an open mind.

All of this research gives a good basis for the following... people can share dream experiences. In the dream world people are not bound by the physical limitations of our reality. The mind is open to create any mental reality we wish. Using a script a waking third party or a sitter can be used to guide two subject sleepers into a shared dream reality and from there the two sleeper can be put into any scenario the architect of the dream world (the sitter) wishes. This is dream control.

Inside the dream the two sleepers although lead into the created dream world by the sitter are able to think for themselves. and react as they wish. In these scenarios the sitter may wish to create or introduce a 4th party or a phantom that can implant or extract memories or information from the sleeper.

How to Have a Shared Dream Instructions

Having a shared dream experience is as easy as having a guided imagery tour. The keys to doing this are quite simple if you follow these steps:

  1. At least three people must be involved. A: The Sitter, B: Sleeper 1, and C: Sleeper 2.
  2. The sitter must guide the two sleepers B1 and C2 into a deep state of relaxing sleep. Using a sleep hypnosis script the sitter will guide the two sleepers into the dream world.
  3. The idea here is to use hypnosis to lead the two sleepers into the dream state but to then implant the idea that they will hear your voice and see what you instruct them to see. As in "As you hear my voice you will begin falling into a deep sleep, but you will always hear my voice as you begin to dream."
  4. Once in deep sleep you can implant any scenario or suggestion you wish into the subjects mind, this is the idea of inception.
  5. You may also have your subject tell you things about themselves in the dream state that can be useful in the waking world this is extraction.
  6. To have the sleepers interact put them together in the dream world. Describe the environment to them, bring in details. use names of animals, textures, shapes, sensations like cold and smells, create the world for them this is being the architect.
  7. To bring them out of their shared dream state tipping or splashing water also smelling salts can be used this is called giving the sleeper a kick.

Create and Enjoy

Use the above instructions as a guide to manipulate the world of dreams. Create worlds unlike any dreamed before. Do things you'd never thought possible. Just remember this is nothing new to you, this is something we do each night we go to sleep. The difference is we are aware its happening. Night and sweet dreams.


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