Are you Drinking Yourself Fat:In Alcoholic Drinks
Drinking Yourself Fat
Drinking Yourself Fat
Are you drinking yourself fat?
Everyone has heard the saying that you can shed pound after pound with liquid diets. However, when it comes to hearty ales and eggnog this winter at festive get-togethers and holiday parties, which is just not the case. If you think about liquid drinks that contain four thousand calories a pop during this holiday season, which is the average that party-goers guzzle down, according to the poll by a UK Research team, you will think twice about drinking up this Christmas and New Year season.
It all adds up, whether you are drinking a six pack of beer or spicy, hot wine. If you are wondering what four thousand calories are equivalent to, just think of about thirty wine glasses or twenty-two beer pints.
Just Drinks
Keep in mind that the four thousand calories that most people drink during the holiday season don’t even cover the food yet. This does not in any way count the sugar donuts, frost snowman cookies, pigs in a blanket or the baked turkey on the table. There are, of course, a few things you can do in order to resist the holiday party alcoholic drink overload. For one thing, keep drinking water, which will help flush out the alcohol in your system the next day. If you plan to drink on a regular basis, or make sure that you complement your lifestyle by enrolling in a gym.
If you have started drinking more regularly than you had planned you may be at a loss for what on earth you can do about it. You definitely don’t want to increase your waistline in the near future. Also consider if you have a genetic cancer or heart disease risk. Drinking even in moderate portions has shown to cause greater risks in cancer, and in particular cancer of the breast. Whether you plan to cut the calories in your lifestyle so that you have space for more alcoholic beverages, you will get calories along with improved HDL cholesterol. For people who plan to drink heavily, you might not get all the calories and none of the benefits of moderate drinking.
On The Other Hand
On the other hand, when you look at data epidemiologically, consuming alcoholic drinks does not seem like it even correlates with excessive weight in other people. Study after study finds that light-drinking women tend to have a lower index of body mass and one which is more stable over time compared to their counterparts that are heavy drinkers. In contrast, when it comes to men, it seems apparent that the more they drink, the more overweight they become. Maybe the reason is that women who drink alcohol moderately also have other healthy physical activities in their lives or that the alcohol in their stomach keeps them feeling satiated.
Alcohol is Not a Diet Food
When it comes to diet food choices, alcohol is never in the picture. There are about one hundred calories in one can of light beer and also in an ounce and a half of vodka. There are about one hundred fifty calories in a five-ounce wine glass. For every one of the drinks you have, you will need to log in another treadmill mile or subtract something from your normal diet if you do not want to gain any more weight. Plus, people tend to consume about thirty percent more meals when they drink, probably due to the fact that alcohol makes it hard to feel full or maybe because it gives you fuzzy judgement when you are thinking about whether or not you want another helping of potato skins or donuts.
What Really Happens
Your body actually breaks turns the alcoholic drinks you have drank into something like vinegar, called acetate. This is burned by the body before any other stored or consumed calorie, whether it is sugar or fat. Thus, when you consume and drink more of the calories than what your body needs, this will cause you to store sugar from the Coke you drank or from the Cheese you ate while your body is getting all its energy from the beer’s acetate you drank the night before.
Plus, something called lipid oxidation happens, in which all the fat in your body is harder to burn, due mainly to all the alcohol in your system. One metabolically efficient way of putting fat on your body is, without a doubt, by eating fat. When you turn extra protein and carbs into body fat, you actually burn a small calorie amount. However, hypothetically speaking, when you consume a high-alcohol, high-fat diet, this is the fastest method of putting on weight. Of course, remember too that this doesn’t really mean you can’t take in moderate amounts of alcohol and still go through weight loss.
How much is Too Much?
Women should only have one standard single drink daily. This means either an ounce and a half of a shot of spirit, twelve-ounces of beer, which is equivalent to one bottle or a five-ounce glass of wine. Two daily standard-sized drinks are perfect for men.
Since alcohol is something that the body can’t store, it goes through alcohol-metabolism immediately. This means that unlike metabolizing any other food or drink you consume, alcohol goes first. Plus, because of this, sugars and fats won’t be metabolized by your body as effectively. Over time, this slows down your metabolism. In order to prevent your body from packing in the pounds, you need to be mindful of what beverages you consume. For instance, rather than having a fancier-than-usual cocktail, go for a gin and tonic, a light beer or vodka with lemon and soda. These choices are less caloric. Before you order that drink, make sure you eat a healthy meal so that you don’t get tempted to eat the munchies. In fact, you might even go as far as preparing healthier munchies and taking these with you in a bag to the party. It will save you tons of workout time.
Mojitos are a classic drink made of a combination of soda, rum, mint leaves, sugar and lime juice. One glass is roughly equivalent to two hundred forty-two calories, according to most calorie-counters. Compared to other liquors, rum already is heavier in calories compared to the rest. For this reason, you can improve the “health” value somewhat of your next mojito by going sugarless. You might be surprised how truly delicious the sugarless version is and save yourself from consuming too much sugar in the process. Plus, the next day hangover is much more bearable when you go sugar-free. After all, that morning-after headache is caused by large doses of sugar.
White Wine
You might ask the question, does white wine make you fat? Well, one glass of wine is not going to make you fat. However, you might make unhealthier decisions when your brain is tricked by alcohol. Drink smarter by arming yourself with knowledge. Keep in mind that one study involving nineteen thousand women revealed that as women age, drinkers were less obese than non-drinkers, so there’s one happy thought for you.
Wine is generally digested differently than food. There is zero fat and hardly any carbohydrates in wine. However, the calories that are in white wine are not digested the same way that foot is digested. Mainly, what happens is that your body immediately stops everything it is doing to focus completely on the calories from alcohol compared to all the other calories such as sugar, carbs and fat. There is no way to store the calories that come from alcohol so what your body does is that it must find a way to use these calories ahead of everything else. If you drink before eating or over-drink yourself into a frenzy, you will then create work for your physical body as it must then go through a three-step metabolic process of having to use alcohol before being able to use the food.
The next question becomes why most folks think about eating an entire plate of spaghetti and all the appetizers after drinking a glass of white wine or two, or three. Alcohol has brain effects that causes people to crave food. One reason is that dry white wine causes a drop in the sugar levels of your blood. This is due to the fact that the focus of the body goes towards having to metabolize the alcohol before the calories of food. What happens is that the body detects the drops in sugar levels and then interprets this as a need for food. The body goes “uh-oh, we need to eat more!” Even if it is full of calories from alcohol, already.
Your primitive brain is tricked by alcohol. This causes your brain to starve and you may suddenly need to pee as well. Your hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for this.
Well we saved the good news for last. Among all the alcoholic drinks, champagne is amazingly low in terms of calorie-content. It has some great benefits to health, as well, which is good news to a lot of us. In one champagne glass there are about ninety-five calories and for the entire bottle of champagne, there are five hundred seventy calories. No matter what you drink as long as it is alcoholic, this will make it harder to lose weight. On the other hand, if you are drinking alcohol now and then and have a choice between champagne and something else, the healthier, less calorie-rich choice would be champagne. Naturally, drinking will have you reaching for just another bruschetta or more cheese than you would normally eat. This is because your brain as tricked your body into thinking it has lower blood sugar.
Which is mainly the reason that alcohol is linked to weight gain. If you drink moderately and practice great healthy habits in your life, you will probably be able to maintain a healthy weight. On the other hand, if you drink heavily and as a result, eat more than you normally would, you can expect that waistline to expand.
Make the Healthy Choice
Among all the calorie-rich drinks you can reach for, champagne is the winner. Each holiday season or special occasion, it is always more beneficial to make the right choice. You may be tempted to reach for the first beer someone hands you or even mix drinks. The smarter choice would be to reach for champagne or a sugar-free mojito and to stick to the same drink the entire party. After all, even if you have the entire year to work everything off, it is always a better idea to start the year right.
There is such as think as the diet for drunks. Food such as apple pie, pizza and bread topped with cheese will help in “alcohol absorption” in your stomach. This can’t be further from the truth. The thing is your liver will need to process each milligram of alcohol painstakingly. It is better to drink tons of water than to eat tons of food when you drink heavily. No matter how many carbs you eat to help you absorb alcohol, the liver will need to do its job and having less food to deal with later on is better. So keep in mind that at a party, less is more in every sense. This way, you wake up the next day with less of a hangover than everyone else at the party.
As with everything else in life, moderation is key. The bad news is that one wine bottle is more than one serving. Remember that you have limitations of course. If you are one hundred forty pounds or less, it is a good idea to drink just one glass or even two if you weigh more than this.
Before drinking, it is also a good idea to eat some protein. This helps your cravings remain curbed as you are drinking. High protein quality will help sustain you and keep your carb cravings in check.