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Personal Trainer Benefits

Updated on December 29, 2017
Bob Schroeder profile image

I never dreamed what a difference a personal trainer could make to my fitness level. My weak shoulders are now strong and fully functional.

One on one fitness trainer

A personal trainer at work
A personal trainer at work | Source

Should You Use A Personal Fitness Trainer

In my humble opinion, the only answer there can be is YES.

I am not a doctor or a personal trainer, I am a senior citizen who has seen the many benefits of having some time with a trainer.

I believe that anyone who enters a gym to perform exercises, should invest time with a certified personal trainer. I spend a lot of time in the fitness center and I see people wandering around looking at each of the machines, trying to figure out what they do and how they can use them.

If you do nothing else, you should pay the few dollars for an hour with your trainer so they can evaluate your fitness status, develop a fitness program for you and then show you how to use each of the machines that they recommend for you in your program.

Each machine will have different settings for your height and strength level. Your trainer will show you the various settings that apply to you and make sure that you won't be injuring yourself by using them incorrectly.

Most people can save a great deal of time, money and grief by having their own personal program laid out for them. As you progress in your fitness you can add different exercises and weights to your fitness program. If you have paid a personal trainer, they will normally be happy to advise you as you progress in your training.

When I was signing up for membership in the fitness center, I was told that most people give up after a short period of time unless they use some of the services that a personal trainer can provide.

I have seen this happen many times, so my advice to you, is to get the help of a professional trainer to make your fitness program more beneficial.

Be careful

Without a personal trainer you could injure yourself on the machines

Here's Why I Use A Personal Trainer

After many years of abuse, my shoulder gave up the ghost and I had to have reconstructive surgery. I went to physical therapy for 6 weeks and then continued my exercises for over a year. I felt good, was increasing my weights and my shoulder felt like new.

My wife and I joined the local fitness center and one of the perks that came with membership, was an evaluation by a person trainer. She did a very good evaluation of our fitness level and laid out a fitness program for us to follow to get in shape for hiking.

She was a very professional trainer so we decided to do some "small group" training with her. We got a nice discount because of our membership and the group size was only 6 people.

After the first session, I was shocked at how weak my shoulder was, even after a year of doing my exercises. I soon realized that my therapy exercises did not include lifting weights above my head. I was lucky to be able to get my hand above my head and straighten it out.

I was really devistated, so I asked my trainer to help me out. She laid out a program that would take me from almost nothing to using weights above my head. I do these exercises 5 times a week and my shoulder is getting stronger all the time.

If you can't get to the gym, try this

Working in a group is inspirational

Group class with fitness trainer
Group class with fitness trainer | Source

Have I Benefited From Using A Personal Fitness Trainer

My wife and I have been going to the fitness center 5 days a week for the past 4 months.

For 3 days a week, we work with the personal trainer and her small group. The other 2 days we work on our own, doing the therapy exercise she recommended to get our overall body in shape.

During the small group classes, the trainer guides us through various exercises that promote cardio, strength and flexibility. We do movements that I never would have done if I had been trying to do this on my own.

Because we are at the fitness center, we have all the machines and equipment available to us for our various fitness programs.

One of the things I really like, is that our trainer continually monitors our use of the machines and makes certain that we are using them correctly.

The fitness center just got all new equipment and our trainer took the time to guide us through the use of each new machine and explained the benefit of each in our programs.

I still see people just wandering around trying to figure out the new machines. If they had spent a few dollars for an hour with a personal trainer, they would know exactly what each piece of equipment can do and how it would benefit them.

Various sizes of groups or one-on-one

One- on- one training
small group training
large group fitness training
specific exercises for you
trainer can observe you with others
cheapest way to go
trainer carefully observes you
you are inspired to continue
you still get personal training
instant feedback
cost less than one on one
usually more time flexibility

Selecting A Personal Fitness Trainer Guidelines

Personal Training Is A Personal Thing

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So What Might Be Your First Step

How in the world do you start in the fitness programs?

  • Find a gym that is close and has classes, machines and personal trainers
  • Check out the certification of each trainer and get references
  • See if there are discounts for members, or other money saving deals
  • Check out all the equipment to make sure they are new and up to date
  • Ask if you get an evaluation from a trainer as part of your membership
  • Talk to the trainer of your choice, to see if they do complete evaluations
  • Make sure your trainer will give you a full body fitness program
  • See if you can find a partner to work out with you

Once you have found what you are looking for at the right price, commit yourself to doing all the exercises and classes that the personal trainer recommends for you.

After a few months you will probably be able to stop using the trainer and go it on your own. By that time you should know what has worked and what hasn't.

If possible, stay with your workout partner, it is a lot more fun than doing the exercises on your own.

If you can't get motivated by yourself, stick with the personal trainer, you'll be glad you did.


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