Facts Aside- Why You Should Wear a Mask
Coronavirus- Liberal Conspiracy?
I have heard the term "liberal conspiracy" when the Coronavirus is mentioned. There are many statistics, facts, and personal stories that contradict that belief, but I will not be discussing those. Facts are everywhere, those who still refuse to believe that Corona exists are choosing ignorance so I will not be appealing to the logical side, but rather the side of their humanity.
Masks are being worn all over America, but there are people who shout that masks do not work and that they will never wear a mask. There have even been incidents of assault and murder on workers who ask their customers to wear a mask. There have been many articles from trusted sources showing how the masks work and how they can be effective in slowing the virus. Some choose to ignore those facts. That is fine, but hear me out: Even if you do not believe masks work- you should still wear a mask.
Even if you think masks do not work in slowing the virus, in life, there is always a chance that you are wrong. So you should be asking yourself "What if I am wrong? What do I have to lose by wearing a mask? What am I risking by not wearing a mask?" IF you wear a mask and they end up not working you did not lose much. You wore an extra piece of fabric, a slight inconvenience- for no reason. IF you do not wear a mask and later you find out that you were wrong and masks did stop others from getting the virus, you risked people's lives and possibly killed someone because you did not wear a mask. A slight inconvenience is worth it for the possibility of saving a life.
Show Compassion and Humanity
Even if you don't care if you get Corona, even if you don't think masks work, even if you don't believe Corona is real- show compassion, show that you respect and care for others, make the personal sacrifice of setting your own beliefs aside for the possibility of helping others. Making others feel safe, respected, and cared for shows your compassion and humanity.
Show you care- wear a mask despite your beliefs, this basic level of compassion could potentially save lives.
© 2020 Ty Gabrielson