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Food for your mood and DNA- Treating food related behavioural problems.

Updated on September 23, 2013

Healthy eating.

Food market.
Food market. | Source

Food as mood enhancer.

  • Anxiety, restlessness, mood swings, fear and stress can be changed to happiness, relief, peace and excitement by incorporating colourful organic foods with wholegrains, fresh fruits and vegetables into our diet.
  • There is scientific proof that Non-vegetarians tend to be more aggressive, commit more crimes and are more impatient than vegetarians.
  • Certain foods that are low in antioxidants and nutrients damage our DNA whereas other healthy foods bring out the best in us.
  • What we eat in our everyday life usually mirrors our personality and affects our mood to a great extent.
  • Dr. Alan Hirsch is the founder of the Smell and Taste treatment and research foundation in Chicago and interacts and treats people with taste and smell disorders due to neurological problems and deficiencies. He has conducted more than 200 studies on eating patterns and also studied how taste preferences are linked to your sexual health,consumerism and shopping and other personality traits.

Fresh or not.

Do you eat Fresh or processed?

See results

Mineral deficiency and food Tests.

  1. A Tissue mineral analysis test covering calcium, magnesium, mercury, zinc, etc levels in the body can be very beneficial in curing nervousness and instable behaviour in people (which is due to low levels of certain minerals).
  2. Hair analysis or urine test is also helpful though some imbalances are embedded in the brain and difficult to decipher, so a 'nutritional balance' program under medical guidance is a good solution.
  3. Common minerals which play havoc with our moods are copper, mercury, cadmium, sodium, magnesium and zinc.

Fresh fruit and raw vegetables.


Different Moods and your food related behavioural issues.

Food related autism and learning disabilities-

Calcium and zinc deficiency cause nervousness in children.

Mercury passed on through mother's milk can be responsible for autism in children.

Food related behavioural disorders and panic attacks-

In some people high carbohydrate diets also lead to anxiety and confusion. Imbalanced levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc or copper lead to anxiety and panic.

Food related depression and fatigue-

Higher than usual calcium and magnesium in the human body with lower than usual potassium and sodium levels can trigger off fatigue and thyroid imbalances.

Coupled with stress, it leads to low metabolic or oxidation rate which leads to symptoms of depression.

Food related obsessive compulsive disorders-

This is related to copper and magnesium imbalances and toxicity.

Food related bipolar and schizophrenia-

This is again caused due to imbalances in levels of copper, mercury, magnesium, cadmium, etc in the human body which can lead to manic depressive/bipolar tendencies and schizophrenia.

Food related seizures-

High iron, aluminium, manganeses, copper, mercury and/or arsenic can trigger seizures in the nervous system or make a person numb or paralytic for sometime.

Low levels of zinc and selenium, stress and food allergies also bring on a siezure.

High oxidation or metabolic rate can cause seizures in children.

Glutamate and aspartate should be avoided by epileptics.This includes wheat, cow's milk, soy products, lentils, diet soups and colas,commercial soups and anything with added MSG.

Red meat lover.

Red meat lover
Red meat lover | Source

Various food types.

  • Red meat lover-According to Ayurveda , more men consume meat as compared to women and are part of the 'pitta' body type with a stressful job, sedentary life and are more prone to lifestyle diseases.Meat lovers are more aggressive and have a short fuse.
  • Fresh food lover-They read all food labels carefully and are concerned about the environment. Nature wise they are more sensitive and eat wholesome, fresh produce with no preservatives.
  • The Salt lover-People who love salty food (like salty chips and pretzels) and snacks are flexible and go with life's flow.
  • The Sweet lover-People who tend to eat more sweets are emotional, sensitive and do things differently.
  • The Spice lover-Those who eat spicy are more adventurous in life.
  • The Soft food lover-These people are usually friendly and organised.

Mercury and magnesium toxicity.

  • Mercury can lead to autism in children and extra mercury accumulates in the human brain altering the brain chemistry.
  • Magnesium and lead toxicity leads to hypertension in children and aggression and violent tendencies in adults.

Copper imbalance.

  • Copper finds its way into our bodies via IUD'S or intrauterine devices. people who eat in copper vessels and consume nuts can also get too much copper in their bodies.
  • Leads to irritability and plays havoc with the mind since it is majorly connected with serotin and other neurotransmitters of the nervous system.
  • Food additives like MSG, flour, artificial sweet products, raw food and stress contribute to copper imbalance in the body.
  • Sensitive people are also prone to this as emotions mess up the adrenal glands.
  • Eating cooked food and controlling stress and anger helps in controlling copper imbalance to a great extent.

Pharmacy in your kitchen.

Milk thistle
Aloe vera
Is the yellow coloured spice used in cooking vegetables .It has anti inflammatory properties and prevents arthiritis and joint pains.Add one teaspoon turmeric to warm glass of milk at night for relief from pain.
Is also called basil and is great for boosting your immunity and aiding digestion.Some tulsi leaves when added with lime juice and ginger in water help to fight constipation.
Is also known as pudina and is useful in many ways right from eliminating gas/nausea to stopping hiccups and aiding digestion.
Is great for reversing the side effects of antibiotics and healing a damaged liver.
Having aloe vera juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach aids digestion and detoxifies the body. It is also good in healing sun burns.

Cadmium traces in food.

  • Cadmium can be toxic and finds its way into the human body via water and environment too.
  • In extreme cases,women with cadmium poisoning tend to be cold and treat men as sex objects and are not attached to their children.They might be achievers at work but tend to be irritated, tired and angry.
  • Is found in sea water contaminated by industrial waste and can be passed on to man by eating contaminated fish or plants grown on cadmium rich soil.
  • Coffee, colas, cigarettes, processed meats and from contaminated mother to child via placenta.
  • It causes anaemia, impotence, cavities in the mouth, kidney disorders , liver and heart problems, migraines, stroke, psychological problems and cancer.

3 body types according to ancient Ayurveda.

Bananas,lemons,oranges and pineapples.
Apple, mango, plums and all sweet fruits but no sour fruits.
Peaches,pomegranate and raisins.
Fruits to eat.
Oats , rice, wheat, soya milk and soya cheese.
Wheat, basmati rice and cooked oats.
Rice cakes, buckwheat and corn.
Wheat grains.
Carrots, cucumber, potato and all cooked vegetables.
Bell pepper, leafy greens and sprouts.
Broccoli, cabbage, leafy greens and leeks.
Vegetables to eat.
White meat, fish and sea food.
Chicken, egg white and fish.
Turkey and eggs.
Non-vegetarian to eat.
Parsley, seaweed, honey, basil, ginger and mustard. No dried fruits.
Coriander, coconut, mint and saffron can be had under herbs.Cottage cheese,butter and cow's milk.
Cardamon, paprika and mint can be had.Diluted yoghurt and goat's milk are also good.
Herbs to eat under this group.

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