Feeling Exhausted: What Every Woman Should Do To Take Care of Herself
I know when I am feeling exhausted when my nose starts acting up and I’d be sneezing for half an hour when I wake up. Then there’s my temper, it would be shorter than on ordinary days and I’d find myself flaring up easily or crying when feeling frustrated. My appetite would go haywire – sometimes insanely craving for food and sometimes having no appetite at all. And mostly, I don’t want to do anything but sleep. So I do and when I wake up, my body aches all over and I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. Then it hits me...I have reached my exhaustion level!
So I say STOP!
Women’s lives can become so busy and demanding, taking care of others and managing a lot of responsibilities from work to home, that we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. So here are 7 Great Ways Women Should Do to Take Care of Herself and Deal with Exhaustion!
1 Walk Barefoot on the Grass
Luckily, we have a sizable amount of grass in our garden so I could try this out. Removing my slippers, I stepped into the grass and felt the blades of grass tickle the soles of my feet. I didn’t move from the spot as I close my eyes and opened my hands to embrace the warmth of the sun. I took a deep breath and focused on releasing the stress that I was feeling into the earth.
Martin Zucker’s book “Earthing” calls this Grounding! Grounding is a simple way to experience the flow of the earth’s electric energy and how it can connect to your body physically. Studies have shown that this promotes healing and can create a deep sense of well-being.
Spend at least half an hour walking or standing still and just allow yourself to connect with the earth.
Earthing by Clinton Ober, Stephen Sinatra, MD, Martin Zucker
2 To Touch and Be Touched
Be aware of what tense muscles feel like. I usually have upper back pains when I am stressed. Since I know and understand the healing power of touch, I readily grab my cell phone and make an appointment for a home massage or go to a spa. The investment is well worth it for it really relaxes tense muscles and improves circulation.
Driving home after a stressful day, I noticed that my upper back was aching. Stopping on a red light, I gently rubbed my back while I reassured myself that I was okay, that I did okay and everything was going to be okay. I did this on all the stop signs and when I arrived home, surprisingly my back was better!
Another friend shared how petting her cats make her feel – good, calm and loving. “I can pet them for hours and my stress just melts away.” To touch and be touched is a wonderful way to relieve exhaustion. A good cry (if you need one) while being hugged by a loved one is therapeutic and does wonders for the soul.
3 Change of Scenery
I have always wondered before why I was okay one minute and down the next. It was only when I discovered my healing gift that I was made to understand that I easily picked up energies of the people around me. So if I was in a room with someone throwing negative energy and I could feel my energy getting low, a change of scenery helps. I would sometimes go into the garden, breathe in some fresh air or visit the classrooms and be with the kids.
In other circumstances, a change of scenery simply means taking time off to visit a park, museum or any other place (aside from your usual day to day work-home routine) that makes you feel good.
4 Talk about Your Feelings
Do you know that it can be a challenge to talk about our feelings because often times we have a hard time identifying what we truly feel?
I truly laughed when Oprah shared that she never needed a therapist because she had her BFF Gayle. And she could talk to her no holds barred. I am blessed because I too have people in my life that I could really talk to and they have been there through my idiotic or sound moments.
If you have difficulty opening up to people, you can actually talk to yourself. Find an empty room and talk to yourself. Or if you are spiritual, you can pray and talk to God too.
Denying your feelings never work. They backfire. The important thing is to identify what you feel so you can release it and allow positive things in its place.
5 Pay Attention to What Increases your Love of Living
I find that listening to music, reading inspirational stories or watching inspirational movies/short videos bring me to a feeling good place. So when I am exhausted, I turn to my favourite music and sing my heart out and wander around the net finding inspiration.
I also noticed that I become exhausted when I find that my focus is on my fears and worries instead of my dreams. Revisiting my dreams and being hopeful somehow paints a rainbow in my otherwise gloomy sky.
Lastly, gratitude increases my love for life. Being thankful for the little things and the big ones eases my exhaustion levels in ways that I cannot even begin to explain.
Music Helps Alleviate Tiredness
6 Allow Somebody Else to Take Care of You
Women who are so used to taking care of others have a hard time allowing others to take care of them. I had to learn this the hard way. Being the eldest in the family, I wasn’t aware that I was so used to giving that it was hard to receive.
But during moments when I was super exhausted emotionally and physically, it felt so good to have someone else take care of me and not feel guilty. So stop pushing those who want to take care of you.
Tell yourself, “I will allow others to take care of me.”
7 Take a Breather and Rest
Lastly, when all is said and done, the best way to deal with exhaustion is to breathe deeply and relax your whole body and rest. When you are tired, your body is telling you, “Time out! Take it easy! It’s time to relax and put your feet up!”
So after publishing this hub, I am going to put my feel up while I lie on my bed and dream of dreams and let go of whatever is worrying me. Tomorrow is another day. But for now, I need to be gentle with myself and sleep.
BY: Michelle Simtoco