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How Can You Fight Disease By Drinking Water?

Updated on January 2, 2020

Take Steps To Achieve Optimal Hydration

Most people today are suffering from a severe nutritional deficiency -- dehydration -- even if they are drinking a lot of water. The truth is that water comes in many forms, some good, some not so much. Hydration is a science, and according to physicians, understanding how water affects your body's internal ecosystem could be the difference between optimal health and chronic, degenerative disease. This guide to achieving adequate hydration should help in measuring your required daily water intake and drinking the right kinds of water.

Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash
Photo by Clint McKoy on Unsplash | Source

"...start your day by drinking 25% of your daily minimum intake..."

Your Minimum Daily Water Intake Equation

The human body is comprised primarily of water, between 55% and 75% according to scientists. It only makes sense that people need plenty of the body's most precious resource to survive. So how much water should a person take in every day? Eight glasses a day seems to be losing favor as the standard for maintaining hydration. Lately, people have been going by the following equation:

Your Body Weight (in pounds) / 2 = Your Daily Minimum Intake (in ounces)

If you're a woman who weighs 130 pounds, you should drink a minimum of 65 ounces of water every day. It is also essential to start your day by drinking 25% of your daily minimum intake; in other words, at 130 pounds, you should drink 16.25 ounces of water first thing after waking up. The body dehydrates during sleep, which is why you need to jump-start the rehydration process every day.

"...add a pinch of organic salts (Celtic sea salt and Himalayan salts are popular options) to each glass or bottle."

Not Just Any Old Water

Water comes in many forms -- distilled, filtered, tap water, etc. -- and the kind you drink affects your body's ability to process it. Distilled water, for instance, could be detrimental to your health. Because distillation voids the water of dissolved solid minerals (electrolytes), your body must inject some of its existing supply into the water before it can absorb it. As a result, instead of replenishing your body, it robs it of nutrients.

Drinking water should have between 200 and 300 milligrams of dissolved solids per liter -- about a pinch per glass. The best way to add the electrolytes your body needs, and to ensure the water's fitness for human consumption and optimal hydration, is to add a pinch of organic salts (Celtic sea salt and Himalayan salts are popular options) to each glass or bottle.

The addition of lemon juice will provide some alkalinity to counterbalance the constant acidic state from which most people suffer. Also, drinking water at room temperature has been shown to be more beneficial than having it with ice. Finally, be sure to filter the contaminants from your water. Some people even recommend getting a filter for your shower too, since your skin can absorb harmful solubles.

Photo by Kate Joie on Unsplash
Photo by Kate Joie on Unsplash | Source

"Also, sports drinks may not be as healthy as advertised."

To Eat And Drink Means To Steal Or Nourish

Everything else you ingest throughout the day affects your ability to achieve optimal hydration. High-sugar drinks can paralyze your digestive system's enzyme functions. Because sweet beverages (including fruit juices) require dilution for processing, they raid your body's water supply, much like distilled water takes minerals. This cycle leads to dehydration.

Processed and packaged foods that contain a lot of sodium must absorb water from your body to be broken down. It is just another reason to avoid salty foods when possible. Also, sports drinks may not be as healthy as advertised. While they do contain electrolytes, they are also high in sugar and sodium, so they are not the best choice for hydration.

Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages are called diuretics because they increase urination. Frequent urination dehydrates, so if you drink anything caffeinated or alcoholic, be sure to replenish with at least 75% more water by volume than what you drank earlier. If you have 8 ounces of wine, drink 12 to 16 ounces of water later. Many prescription drugs are diuretics, so if you take any medication that increases urination frequency, be sure to drink enough to compensate.

While you should shun packaged and processed foods, other foods will help your body achieve optimal hydration. For instance, many fruits and vegetables are 90% or more composed of water. Homemade soups and broths, seasoned or filled with hydrating herbs and vegetables, are also a great source of nutrients that will curb your appetite and keep you hydrated.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash | Source

Celtic Sea Salt

Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt – 16 Ounce (Pack of 1) Resealable Bag of Nutritious, Classic Sea Salt, Great for Cooking, Baking, Pickling, Finishing and More, Pantry-Friendly, Gluten-Free
Fine Ground Celtic Sea Salt – 16 Ounce (Pack of 1) Resealable Bag of Nutritious, Classic Sea Salt, Great for Cooking, Baking, Pickling, Finishing and More, Pantry-Friendly, Gluten-Free
These are the sea salts I use every day. They are unprocessed and have no additives. They are strong, so be sure to only add a pinch! I add them to my fruit smoothies as well.

Always Be Prepared

Your body can only metabolize 8% of the water it needs on a daily basis; the other 92% depends on the food and water you ingest. You could be suffering from chronic dehydration and not even know it. The right water can alleviate, if not eliminate, illness, disease, and allergies, as well as set you on the path to optimal hydration. Be sure to always carry your BPA-free water bottle and a packet of mineral salts.

Article Sources:
Optimal Hydration -
Stay Hydrated : Is 8 to 10 glasses really all you need? -
8 Tips On How To Stay Hydrated -

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Saryn Blackwood


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