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Fleas, Ticks and Natural Repellants

Updated on December 23, 2021
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Don is a retired engineer and shares his experiences and knowledge with his readers to help them as technology gets more complicated.


Don's Nature and Health Tips
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Natural Insect Repellants or Poisons?

Regardless of the Season or where you might be in America, if you go outside, you can often have problems with Fleas or Ticks.

They can invade your home but more often than not, they are often found in your Yard or Garden areas.

Many people today will follow the modern philosophy of using dangerous poisons and other chemical concoctions to kill these dangerous pests and they can linger in your yard for weeks, even months.

Or even better, you can try to repel them in more natural manner by placing certain aromatic plants around your yard.

It's really simple to utilize certain popular aromatic plants to ward off these common Fleas and Ticks by just strategically locating them on your property. These plants are often not only beautiful and aromatic but they will also efficiently repel Fleas and Ticks safely. Plant them around your yard where your children play and your pet roams.

Some of these plants are also disliked by other insect pests such as gnats, mosquitos and moths.

The Best Flea and Tick Repellants

Here are a few of the more popular plants that you can use as Insect Repellants, but remember some are more efficient than others, and it is often recommended that they be planted near each other for better coverage;


Catnip is a great repellant of Fleas and Ticks. On the other hand its scent is loved by cats so do not plant it where it might draw the neighborhood cats to our yard.


Chamomile is a powerful repellant as well as a popular plant whose dried leaves and flowers are often used for making tea. Other garden plants seem to grow better when in the company of Chamomile plants.

It repels Fleas, Ticks, Flies and other flying insects.


Chrysanthemums or as they are better known, Mums, have flowers that can be in many different colors and shapes. They are perennials and will bloom in the Summer and die back in the Fall, just trim them to the ground after they pull back.

It repels Fleas and Ticks as well as other insects like; Aphids, Harlequin Bugs, Leaf Hoppers and Spider Mites,


Citronella Grass is the basis for the popular Citronella Oil popularly used to repel petty insects.

It repels Fleas, Ticks, and Mosquitos. It also seems to have a calming effect on overactive and bring dogs.


Feverfew is a flowering plant that grows well in pots that you can place strategically for the best effect in your battle against petty insects

It repels Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitos and other flying insects.

Feverfew is also used to treat; Fevers, Headaches, anxiety and bloating.


Lavender is a great flowering plant (purple blooms) that is part pf the Mint family and it emits a very pleasing sweet scent.


Lemon Grass actually has a Lemony scent. It is used medicinally for certain ailments. Many people plant it just for the smell.

It repels Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitoes.


Marigold is a beautiful flowering plant that you can use in your garden or around your home in pots.

It repels Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitos and other flying insects.

You should plant Marigold in garden because its roots contain a chemical called thiopenes which helps repel; Aphids, cabbage maggots and white flies.

Marigold is also used to treat; Fevers, Headaches, anxiety and bloating.


Rosemary is a member of the Mint Family. It is a bush (with Blue blooms) and it grows relatively slowly. It is used as a spice by many cooks and has a very pleasing scent.

It repels; Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitoes.


Sage is a plant that is popular for the use of its dried and crushed leaves in Southwestern dishes. It has long flowers that are purple and white.

It repels Fleas and Ticks.

There are other plants that are aromatic and many of them are good insect repellants as well as often being used medicinally in the past.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Don Bobbitt


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