Foods that are Rich in Dietary Minerals and its Benefits
Dietary minerals are like vitamins which can be found in natural food, as well as food supplements. Minerals are essential to our health and they are in fact needed by our body for optimum overall health. When you go to supermarkets and when you read labels you will see plethora of different products labeled with mineral fortified like cereals. Minerals can be found in foods, for example vegetables are rich in Iron, or it can be fortified and enriched with minerals plus it can be as supplements in the form of pills.
As much as possible natural foods are preferred so we also prefer minerals that we can derive from all natural food sources. Examples of minerals are : calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, and iodine.
Two general kinds of minerals
Two kinds of minerals are :
- Macro minerals -- these are large traces of minerals like potassium, chloride, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur
- Trace or micro minerals -- these are small amount of minerals fortified or found in foods, Zinc, iron, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Selenium, Molybdenum
Benefits of minerals -- Appropriate levels of minerals should be taken daily, but if this is not met, you can always supplement for it. Lots of diseases are attributed due to lack of specific minerals.
Minerals can be found naturally in healthy foods
- Chloride -- can be found in table or salt in general as well as in vegetables Foods that are rich in Chloride are tomatoes, rye, celery, olives, lettuce and is usually found in lots of other foods. Since chloride is found in salt, you make sure that you are not overdosing in it as it is also harmful when taken in large amounts.
- Lack of it may cause you to be weaker and easily dehydrated or fluid loss in general.
- Sodium helps in maintaining balance in your body like Ph and water. It helps your cells to absorb the necessary nutrients. It works well with your level of potassium and chlorine. Too much salt is not good for your body as it is bad for your cholesterol level.
- Foods that are rich in sodium : tomatoes, sauces of tomatoes, pickled foods, salt as in table salt and smoked foods as well, can be found also in cereals.
- Lack of it may cause; Sodium should be taken in small amount as it may cause your blood pressure to rise, the amount you take should be minimal.
- Foods that are rich in Phosphorus are foods which are also rich in calcium like milk, dairies, yogurt, sardines, cheese
- Lack of it may cause general feeling of being tired always, loss of appetite in eating, stress out, low immunity and irritable.
- Calcium is a mineral needed for our bones and it helps o make our bones stronger, good posture, walking and they are believe to be beneficial of course until you grow older.
- Foods that are rich in Calcium : all dairies are rich in calcium like yogurt, cheese , milk, sardines, tuna, salmon and all those green vegetables like spinach, broccoli.
- Potassium -- this mineral keep you healthier by making sure that your muscles and nervous system functions well. All the part of our body needs water and potassium make it sure we are supplied with it.
- Foods that are rich in Potassium are tomatoes, bananas, broccoli, oranges, beans and legumes, green vegetables, potatoes the skin of it
- Magnesium is good for the muscles -- for relaxation and contraction and it neutralizes enzymes. It hellos transport energy in your body so that you re not feeling weak and helps a lot in the proper multiplication of protein.
- Foods that are rich in Magnesium : avocados, bananas, legumes, tofu and other soy products, rice -- brown rice and beans
- Lack of it may cause irritability weakness, fatigue and poor memory
- Sulphur is needed for the production of a certain protein called keratin which is good for your nails and hair. It makes them look healthier. It is also good for our bones like the tendons and cartilages, plus it helps to regulate sugar level.
- Foods that are rich in Sulphur : beans and peas, garlic, eggs, onion, meat 9red and white)
- Lack of it may cause hair loss, bad posture, osteoporosis and poor nails
- Iron is needed by the body for blood transportation to your lungs, healthy blood makes you work faster and you feel healthier plus it gives you energy as well, not feeling weak. It normalizes the level of your hemoglobin which is crucial to the functioning of your blood.
- Foods that are rich in Iron -- are foods like like red meat, beef, eggs, beans potatoes, dried fruits like raisins, potatoes, broccoli, wheat
- Lack in iron cause fatigue and lack of coordination of mind and body
- Zinc is very helpful for your overall immune system because it helps fights the invasion of other destructive elements of your body and it make sure your immunity is to a level that can fight infections with your body
- Foods that are rich in Zinc are pork, meat products, lamb beef and some legumes like peas, beans and peanuts
- Lack of zinc in diet causes low immunity
- Manganese helps the functioning of the body in terms of connective tissues like bones, blood -- clotting and hormones. It helps to regulate the sugar in your body and helps as well in metabolism. It is necessary for the brain to function well, because it is helpful in the functioning of the nerves.
- Foods that are rich in manganese: nuts, seeds, oats, wheat -- bulgur, buckwheat, whole grains and pineapples.
- Lack of it may you might suffer from : infertility, bone malformation, weakness, and seizures
- Iodine is included as trace minerals. It is essential for the proper functioning of your thyroid system plus it is good for your proper growth as well as development. Hypo or hyperthyroidism are consequences of lack of this mineral.
- Foods that are rich in iodine includes seafood -- all the foods we can get form the seas are rich in Iodine. Also available in iodized salts, spinach, squash, sesame seeds, kelp, garlic, lima beans. Sometimes bakeries add iodized salts in bread so you can also get it from there.
- Lack of it may cause hypo or hyperthyroidism plus problems of total development and growth.
- Copper is a kind of trace mineral which is found in our body and we can get it from natural foods and fortified foods as well. Just like Iron, copper is very useful in the formation of our blood and the proper functioning of it -- including blood vessels, and formation of hemoglobin. It is also helpful in total immune system.
- Foods that are rich in Copper -- all shellfish plus oyster, nuts, beans, potatoes plus liver and kidney are a rich source of it. You can also eat green leafy veggies to have enough of it plus dried fruits, pepper (black) cocoa and some dried prunes.
- Lack of copper may caused anemia and osteoporosis, but large amount of it in the body is poisonous.
- Selenium is very important in our body as it helps antioxidants to protect us and extend immunity . It helps protects our body from poisonous substances. It is very helpful in treating semen deficiency for males
- Foods that are rich in selenium -- Vegetables -- green leafy and plants are the sources of selenium, liver, chicken, eggs, shellfish, fish and other kinds of fishes plus garlic are rich in selenium. Breads which are enriched and wheat germ are also rich in selenium.
- If you lack selenium, you might suffer from abnormality form heart muscles, if you suffer form over dosage you may suffer from lose hair, nail problems and stress
- Molybdenum is essential in the proper transporting of blood in the body and it is involved in synthesis of protein in our body.
- Foods that are rich in molybdenum are: barley, meat, legumes, dark green and leafy vegetables, seeds of sunflowers and all kind of beans -- lima beans is one.
- It has been found out that esophageal cancer is link to lack of molybdenum. This mineral when combined with fluoride makes our teeth stronger. Plus it can help in the production of hemoglobin thus it prevents also anemia.
CAUTION : overdose of some minerals may cause poisoning and is bad for health, it is best to consult a doctor before taking mineral supplement and the recommended dosage.
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