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Three Strategies For Forming Good Habits

Updated on April 4, 2020
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I am a full time Corporate Trainer and I have read countless books on self-improvement and health. I love sharing what has worked for me.


The Problem

I tend to forget doing things for my health. Let’s say, drinking a full glass of water as soon as I get up… or before even preparing breakfast. A better option: a glass with some freshly squeezed lemon juice + water + 1 or 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar. It improves your digestion, immune system and reactivating a sluggish metabolism (besides intermittent fasting)

The Solution

Find a well-established habit and pile your desired new habit on it. That is to say, associate both, make one impossible to happen unless you complete the other “new task” as well.

You can even picture it as a reward! For instance, if your well established habit is checking your Facebook while you’re waiting for the coffee to get ready, then, make it “a must” to drink the glass of water before reaching for your phone. Your “checking on Facebook” is your reward, for having drunk a full glass of water.

Give it a go and let me know if it worked for you.

This tool was not useful, so what? There must be another one that’s a good fit for you. Check Part III to find out.


The Problem

You want to add a new habit (example, exercising 30 minutes per day) but you do not find the time to do it. No matter your good intentions, days go by without you having a chance to get started on your workout routine.

The Solution

One way would be to analyze your day, your week, closely. As Robin Sharma says: “Schedules don’t lie” If you say that health is one of your top priorities, but your schedule says you don’t exercise enough (or not at all), we have a problem.

So, first step is becoming aware. Write down exactly what you do. How much tv do you watch, how much sleep, what do you eat, what are your thoughts in a given moment of the day (are they mainly positive or negative?), how much you exercise per day, and so on. The goal is to see exactly where your time goes, what you are prioritizing (vs what you THINK you are giving priority) I would suggest that you do it for a whole week. You will most probably find surprises and may want to keep track for another week. Do it. It’s totally worth it!

If you want to read more on this tool and apply it to other areas of your life (not just for building habits), Darren Hardy’s book is a great source: “The Compound Effect”.

Did this tool work for you? If not, I invite you to keep reading!


The Problem

Every time you want to build a new habit (or get rid of one that does not serve you at all), you feel that it’s not going to work. “Who am I kidding? I’m not that type of guy that wakes up early to work-out!” or “What’s the point? I love tasty food too much, I just can’t stick to healthy stuff.” In a nutshell, you’re ready to fail, even before starting.

The Solution

This tool comes from Joel Osteen’s book, “The Power of I am” and it has to do with re-programming your mind, your self-talk. Have you ever remarked how often you talk to yourself? Constantly! It’s an unrelenting chatter, which tends to be mainly negative: “Looked what you’ve done. You’re so stupid/clumsy/useless. You’ll never be like (your brother/sister/co-worker)...”

By letting that chatter be so negative, it will eventually undermine your self-esteem, your confidence. Besides, whether you believe in a “Universal Energy” or a “Superior Being” or not, focusing on the negative will bring you more negative. What you focus on, it expands. It’s a fact. Test it yourself, if you want to be fully convinced. Or, try out this experiment, by Tony Robbins: go to a meeting room full of people and spot those wearing white (white shirt, tie, dress). Once you’ve finished that task, spot the people wearing green. Done? Fantastic! Now, honestly, when you were focusing on finding people wearing white, did you notice the number of people wearing green? I’m sure it took you some extra time to find them, but nonetheless, they were there all the time, correct? So the point is, you can tell your mind what to focus on, in order to serve you better, and not to undermine you! Your mind is just a tool. You’re the captain of the ship.


So, let’s get to use the “Power of I Am” tool. Start by diligently stating aloud and writing down affirmations like: "I am a Masterpiece", "I am enough", "I deserve to be here", "I'm grateful for being alive". If you're a believer: "I was created by God in His own image, therefore I am worthy and capable", "God takes care of me, I'm His child and most perfect creation", and so on.

A final note: Gratitude. If you're grateful for what you have, what you have already accomplished, or just for being alive, your state of mind is positive and debunks all self-imposed limits. Start your day by thanking Life! You're breathing, you're here! You had something to eat this morning? You have a roof above your head? Be thankful, not many have that chance. Express your gratitude by saying it aloud and writing it down.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Maria E Alvarez


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