Get rid of Corona Virus through Reiki the Divine power of God with Reiki symbols Shamin and Motor Zanon
Reiki is the magical divine power of universe. This power is an efficient protector that's given by universe. Here are some reiki power symbols that connect us with universe and are helpful to gain positive energies from the universe.The power symbols of Reiki are as under.
Cho Ku Rei is used for strengthening the physical strength.
Sei Hei Ki is used to strengthen the mental power.
Dai Ko Myo is used to get rid of paranormal negativities.
Hon She Ze Sho Nan is the symbol that connects us with universe energies. It is also used for distant healing.
Motor Zanan reiki symbol is used for viral diseases.
Reiki symbol Shamin is used for infectious diseases. It shows its magical effects in curing throat infections, cough and breathing problems.
Now how to take precautions against Corona Virus or healing it with Reiki.
The method of using Reiki symbols against Corona virus: -
First of all draw Cho Ku Rei both sides left and right , above your head and feel that the positive energies of Universe are coming through Cho Ku Rei reiki power symbol
Secondly draw Sei Hei Kei power symbol both sides left and right above your head and feel that positive energies of universe through reiki power symbol Sei Hei Kei is coming.
Thirdly draw Dai Ko Myo both sides left and right above your head and feel that positive energies of universe are coming towards you through Dai KO Myo the Reiki power symbol.
Then draw Motor Zanon in front of you to release the negativity of Corona virus. The Reiki symbol Motor Zanon has two parts. Outer part is called Motor, it collects internal virus like motor and the other middle part is called Zanon . It is made of seven times seven. When we take breath Reiki symbol Motor Zanon is coming inside our body. The part motor is revolving inside the body and collects all the negativity and the part Zanan took out the collected negativities by motor, outside. In this way the process is going on and the viral negativities are going outside by Zanon. Through this process by taking breath positivity is coming inside and by releasing breath the negativities are going outside.
Then draw Reiki symbol Shamin in front of you to release infectious germs that create cough and other infections. The method is same by taking breathe you have to feel that positive energies with Reiki symbol Shamina are coming inside to destroy the infectious germs and with releasing breath the infectious germs are going outside.
Last of all you have to draw a reiki symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nan to connect with universe energies . This symbol is also used for distant healing. This symbol is also used as a carriage that brings the positivity with reiki symbols.
After drawing these reiki symbols you have to make affirmation that I am healing with these reiki symbols. I am being protected from Corona virus by reiki symbols Motor Zanon and Shamin. Now I am quite well. Carona Virus is vanishing from the environment and in the lives of human beings.
If you have fallen ill by Carona Virus and have to lay in isolation. Then you must try this method. Because the life and the death is in the hands of God. But you have not to suffer with this pain. Reiki is the ultimate solution to connect with God and get rid of this problem. I have seen many people who are on death bed and about to die,have cured with reiki and now they spend a satisfactory life.
- Reiki the divine power of God can do what the doctors can't do - YouTube
Reiki heals the person on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
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