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Eating Healthy vs Convenience

Updated on October 31, 2020
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Shauna believes in eating whole, organic foods and supporting our local farmers. Or try your hand at growing edibles in your own backyard.

Fresh is better
Fresh is better | Source
Beautiful locally grown organic carrots
Beautiful locally grown organic carrots | Source
Banana bread made from scratch
Banana bread made from scratch | Source

Today, more than ever, we find we have less time for ourselves, let alone putting a quality meal on the table after a hectic day at work. Most families have two working parents and many of us are single, working moms. In an effort to save time, and with the vast array of prepacked foods available, many of us succumb to convenience. But, I'm telling you, folks, convenience has resulted in obesity, dangerous cholesterol levels and general poor health!

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Cook From Scratch For Better Health (and Taste)

Thankfully (and I mean that from the top of my palate!) I was raised by a from-scratchcook. I, having learned how to cook from my mother, also am a scratch cook. It is healthier eating and I know exactly what's going into my body. Pre-packaged, prepared foods contain preservatives, added fat and sodium, not to mention (dangerous!) ingredients no one can pronounce. A healthier way of feeding your family is to buy fresh foods and be creative with your menu. If you've not had the benefit of learning from a fabulous cook, as have I, do your research and venture out of the convenience zone. You can find recipes in cookbooks, online, TV and even the newspaper. Anyone can become a great, even a gourmet cook if you just trust in yourself and let your imagination flow. In fact, it takes less time to prepare gourmet meals than "stick to your ribs" meals because they call for less ingredients, diminishing prep time. Plus, you get good, clean flavor from each ingredient. Experiment. You may surprise yourself!

Nature's Color Codes

Our foods are color-coded by nature, signifying the unique nutritional properties contained within. When meal planning, decorate your plate with colors, much as you would decorate the package of a gift and you'll have a nutritionally balanced meal that costs less in the long run. Why spend unnecessary dollars on foods that have been "manufactured" and all-in-one packaged for the sake of convenience, when you can buy the raw ingredients yourself and create healthy meals without preservatives and additives. Hint, If you can't pronounce it, chances are your body can't digest it! Trust me, your hard-earned dollars will be well-spent if you make it yourself! Your family will look forward to sitting down to the dinner table to see what wonderful dish you've come up with this time! Imagine that! Your family actually looking forward to sharing a delicious, wholesome meal! Give each of your kids a job in the meal preparation. Get them involved in the kitchen. It will give them lifelong lessons in nutrition and team work, while giving you a helping hand. When your friends and family ooh and aah over the delicious meals you serve, it'll all be worth the effort. And all that delicious homemade food is disguised as fuel for the body! Who knew?

In closing, buy fresh and use your imagination in the kitchen; your family (and your belly!) will thank you! Save money by preparing your meals from scratch. It's delicious, healthy, you know exactly what's in your food and your pride will swell with every "yum"!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Shauna L Bowling


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