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Good and Bad Affects of Heredity and Environment

Updated on February 9, 2012

In loving memory

Breast Cancer

The Toxic Link Coalition and Pink Ribbon

Breast Cancer

.(Pink ribbon) another sales gimmick for organizations, to rake in the dough!

.I have bought many pink ribbons and pink items thinking I was contributing to the fight against breast cancer but after doing research and coming across whatTony Isaac writes "Breast Cancer Deception Month: Hiding the Truth beneath a Sea of Pink, Part II." on Independent News on Natural Health, Nutrition and More, in October 2009. “Tragically, most people are unaware of the dark history of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and of the players past and present who have misused it to direct people and funds away from finding a true remedy, while covering up their own roles in causing and profiting from cancer.”I realized that I just might be making companies who contribute to the cause of this disease more money!

According to Environmental Studies, published in the article “Environmental Pollutants and Breast Cancer, a supplement issue of cancer in June 2007” breast cancer is the most common diagnosed invasive cancer in women and the major cause of cancer death in women. Even though this does not apply to men as it does to women, every person on here cares for at least one female. Therefore, this topic concerns everyone.

First, I will go over what is breast cancer and what causes breast cancer, secondly I will write about which women are more at risk and current issues regarding the risks, and last I will write about the cancer industry.

Breast cancer is a very serious matter for the fact; it has been taking the lives of roughly 40,000 women yearly.Currently it seems it has become a controversial matter as well, for the fact that there are non-profit organizations who are trying to find a cure while being funded by the businesses that contribute to the causes of cancer and the non- profit organizations that want to prevent cancer from happening in the first place but receive little funding.

What is breast cancer and what causes breast cancer:What is Breast cancer:

According to Loma Linda University Medical Center:the definition of breast cancer is a cancer that starts in the tissues of the breast;

There are two main types of breast cancer: Ductal carcinoma, which starts in the tubes that transfer milk from the breast to the nipple. Breast cancer is usually this type and Lobular carcinoma, which starts in parts of the breast that produce the milk. There is invasive and noninvasive breast cancer.Invasive breast cancer means that it has spread to other tissues of the body but noninvasive can become invasive if not found early and treated right away.

What causes breast cancer:

Amy Bull writes, printed in the article “Women’s Health”, on Magill’s Medicine in the Salem Press 2008, “the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown, but some types are sensitive to the hormone, estrogen”. This means that estrogen causes the breast cancer tumor to grow.

Only 5-10% of cancers are due to an abnormality-inherited gene. The other 90% of breast cancers are due to the genetic defects that are a result of the wear and tear of life.

Women who are more at risk and what are those risks of diagnosis:

The women who are more at risk:

From my understanding, I will list the women who are more at risk from greatest to least.Keep in mind that the first three-maybe number four is unpreventable but the last four are preventable for sure.

1.Women with close relatives that have had breast cancer

2.started their menstrual period before the age of twelve

3.have had their first child after the age of thirty or don’t have children

4.who have had cervical cancer

5.smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol

6.that do not exercise or eat healthy

7.women who are home all day that are in the presence of prime sources of indoor air pollutants

8.the women who like to wear cosmetics and have good hygiene

.Current issues and new studies that are being performed:

Karen Kaplan writes, about the Danish Study: “Mammograms may not reduce death; Health” in the Providence Journal, March 2010, findings led researchers to conclude that improved treatments and changes in risk factors were responsible for the reduction in breast cancer mortality, not the mammograms.

The Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families coalition seeks to rally support for soon-to-be introduced legislation that would reform the 34-year-old federal Toxic Substances Control Act. The coalition released a report highlighting scientific studies that link toxic chemical exposure to the rise of chronic diseases, including breast cancer and childhood cancers, learning and developmental disorders, reproductive problems, Parkinson's disease and asthma.

The cancer industry, Non-profit organizations: I have read that American Cancer Society is the wealthiest non-profit organization.I also have read that ACS are affiliated with big corporations like General Mills and Yoplait as well as other big companies that use the pink ribbon logo to sell their products, with contributing not much of what they make.Moreover, their products carry toxic material that triggers breast cancer.

This is what many organizations that are being funded by these big companies emphasize on in their messages to the public:

·Early detection methods and living a healthier lifestyle:

Self-examination of the breasts, yearly checkups, and if over the age of 35 years old go for a mammogram testing (MRI) yearly.Women who do not smoke cigarettes have less of a chance of getting breast cancer, stay away from fatty foods and eat more fruits and vegetables, and increase the activity in your daily routine.

Companies that profit from breast cancer and contribute to the risks:

Fred Harding, writes in his book,”Breast Cancer: Cause, Prevention, Cure” published in 2006; that the Journal Science published a study from Duke University medical center in 1999 and it showed that in 2-5 years, Tamoxifen the most popular (practically the only drug) that is for treating breast cancer has actually provoked the growth of breast cancer.

In fact, the National Cancer Institute and Survey, Epidemiology and results, in 2005 write, “What is far too under-funded and under-recognized is the need to research what is causing this disease.For this reason, the MBCC supports for better resources to investigate environmental links to breast cancer. That is in the form of toxins found in our air, water, soil, food, homes, cleaning supplies and other consumer products that we use every day.

Conclusion, Now that I have informed you a little bit more in depth about breast cancer, will you make sure your money is going to the right place when you buy something pink with contribution in mind? Breast cancer it should have every ones concern. Okay I went over about breast cancer and the causes, then about women who are more at risk and the current issues, and last about the cancer industry. (Pink ribbon), is it another gimmick for organizations to sell products and make money? I just informed you about the risks and causes of breast cancer, now I hope you will do your part to stay healthy for you and for future generations! In this situation is it the bad affects of heredity or environment, maybe both however which is avertable?


Proud of my niece

Despite of the obstacles and hardships that were put into her life I am proud to say my niece Melody Vega is the first female (Mexican-American) in our huge family to become a Naval pedi-officer 3. She is young and beautiful inside and out as well as smart and strong what more can you of hoped for?

I will make this short; her father is a recovering addict that was basically on drugs most of her life but is now sober for 2 years (Amen to that), her mother is a hard worker that has struggled most of her life but also has an addiction to drinking alcohol, she has a half little sister from her mother who has been fighting cancer, 2 brothers an older one who has been in and out of prison and is an alcoholic and causes stress to everyone when under the influence, and she has a little brother who just turned 18 years old and is trying to do his best he can for his 2 little girls. oh and she also has 2 half little sisters from her father but rarely ever sees them. Despite all the hardships she knows that she is loved and cared about but this didn't stop her from doing what she wanted to do and become. So you tell me in this situation does it matter the affects of heredity or environment?


what affects more heredity or the environment?

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