Health Benefits of Green Mung Beans
Health benefits of Green Mung Beans
Green Mung Beans is a wonder and super food. The health benefits of Green Mung Beans are exploding with more research in this food. Tracing its origin from Indian sub continent, this healing bean is commonly used in Asian countries like China, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Korea, etc. It can be added in various styles to recipes ranging from soups, deserts, sprouts and spicy curry. It tastes awesome no matter what is the preparation. The health benefits of this bean are also widespread. Starting from Ayurveda in India, where this bean is cooked for sick people, its healing properties are gaining widespread popularity. Here, are some of the benefits of Green Mung Beans.
Green Mung Beans are rich source of Minerals. Potassium, magnesium, folic acid, zinc, iron, phosphorus are some of the many minerals found in this wonder bean. Potassium and magnesium are important for heart health. Folic acid and iron are very important for pregnant and child bearing women.
Green Mung Beans are rich source of fiber. The fiber comprises of two types, insoluble and soluble. The insoluble fiber helps to keep the digestive system healthy and reduce the problems of constipation. The soluble fiber helps to reduce the blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Green Mung Bean sprouts are rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamins are essential to maintain health and prevent diseases. Vitamin C helps to improve the immune system and keeps the common fever, sore throat, cold away. The sprouts of this bean provide excellent source of vitamin C and thus, giving the benefits of fruit too.
Green Mung Beans are excellent source of protein. These beans are a good source of vegetarian proteins and without the disadvantage of saturated fats. Eating a bowl of green mung beans soup daily is a great way to meet the daily needs of protein requirements of our body.
Green Mung Beans are good for cardiovascular health. Eating these beans regularly helps to reduce bad cholesterol and improve the flexibility of arteries and veins. Thus, green mung beans are excellent for heart and help to regulate blood pressure to healthy levels.
Green Mung Beans detoxify the body and improve metabolism. In Chinese natural medicine and Indian Ayurveda, green mung beans are frequently recommended to detoxify the body and get rid of chronic illnesses. It is an anti inflammatory food and helps to heal the body.
Green Mung Beans helps to lose weight. These beans are low in calories and rich in fiber. Thus, eating a small cup of green mung bean soup gives the feeling of fullness. Thus, eating it regularly helps to reduce unhealthy cravings of sweet artificial foods by regulating the blood sugar levels. Hence, it helps to curb hunger pangs and bring our weight to healthy levels.
Enjoy Green Mung Beans to your good health. Here, are some of the recipes to get you started and enjoy mung beans: