Medical Terms and Health Literacy
A few years back, I worked as a medical secretary in a hospital. My office was in the laboratory, and I would take dictation from a Pathologist. These specialists study blood, fluid and tissue samples taken from patients in order to diagnose varying illnesses, including diseases and cancer. I also worked together with the histologists and cytologists who would prepare the slides for the Pathologists.
Starting with B or b
- bi, bis - double, twice, two
- brachy - short
- brady - slow
- bucc(o) - cheek
Starting with C or c
- carcin(o) - cancer
- cardi(o) - heart
- cephal(o) - head
- cerebr(o) - brain
- cervic - neck
- chol(e) - bile (gallbladder)
- chondro(o) - cartilage
- circum - around,about
- contra - against, counter
- corpor - body
- cost(o) - rib
- crani(o) - skull
- cry(o) - cold
- cut - skin
- cyan(o) - blue
- cyst(o) - bladder
- cyt(o) - cell
I became quite good at spelling the medical terms which were on the patient reports. Understanding their meaning was quite different than knowing how to spell them.
I was able to pick up on a few of the medical terms, but the main thing I needed to know what how to spell the words to complete my job.
I have recently written two hubs about Health Literacy, and realize that one of the problems is that patients do not understand many of the medical terms that the doctors and nurses use when they go in for an appointment.
Medical terminology can seem like a foreign language, but by learning a few parts of the words, you and I can become better informed. Here is a list of some of the more frequently used prefixes (parts of words used at the beginning), roots (the basis for the word) and suffixes (parts of words used at the end of a word).
Starting with A or a
- a (n) - means absence of
- acou or acu - hear
- aden (o) - gland
- aer (o) - air
- alg (pain)
- andr(o) - man
- angi(o) - vessel
- ankyl(o) - crooked, curved
- ante - before
- anter(i) - front, forward
- anti - against
- arteri(o) - artery
- arthr(o)- joint
- articul - joint
- ather (o) - fatty
- audi(o) - hearing
- aur(i) - ear
- aut (o) - self
Starting with E or e
emia - blood
encephal(o) - brain
end(o) - inside
enter(o) - intestine
epi - outer,superficial, upon
erythr(o) - red
eu - normal
extra - outside
Starting with D
dactyl(o) - finger or toe
dent - tooth
derm (ato) - skin
dipl(o) - double
dors - back
dys - bad,faulty,abnormal
Starting with G or g
gastr(o) - stomach
gen - become, originate
gloss(o) - tongue
glyc(o) - sweet, glucose
gyn - woman
Starting with H or h
hem(ato) - blood
hemi - half
hepat(o) - liver
hist(o) - tissue
hydr(o) - water
hyper - high, excessive
hypo - low, deficient
hyster(o) - uterus
Starting with H or h
iatr(o) - doctor
infra - beneath
inter - among, between
intra - inside
itis - inflammation
Starting with S or s
scler(o) - hard
scope - instrument
scopy (examination
somati(o) - body
spondyl(o) - vertebra
steat(o) - fat
sten(o) - narrow, compressed
steth(o) - chest
stom - mouth, opening
supra - above
Starting with T or t
tachy - fast, quick
therap - treatment
therm(o) - heat
thorac(o) - chest
thromb(o) - clot, lump
tomy - operate by cutting
tox(i) - poison
Starting with U or u
uria - Urine
Starting with V or v
vas(o) - vessel
ven(o) - vein
vesic(o) - bladder
xer(o) - dry
Starting with L or l
lact(o) - milk
lapar(o) - flank, abdomen
latero - side
leuk(o) - white
lingu(o) - tongue
lip(o) - fat
lys(is) dissolve
Starting with M or m
mal - bad, abnormal
Starting with P or p
pole - make, produce
poly - much, many
post - after
poster(i) - back, behind
presby - elder
proct(o) - anus
pseudo(o) - false
psych(o) - mind
pulon(o) - lung
pyel(o) - pelvis of kidney
pyr(o) - fever, fire
Starting with R or r
rachi(o) - spine
rent(o) - kidneys
rhag - break,burst
rhe (flow
rhin(o) - nose
So how many did you recognize? How many have you heard before? They mix these parts together to name conditions - like nephritis - nephr plus itis - which means inflammation of the kidneys. Another would be adeno plus carcinoma - which means cancer of the glands. Go ahead - you try it. Next time you go to the doctor, you will be better informed.