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Fend Off Holiday Depression

Updated on September 21, 2023
Joe Andover profile image

Ken and his wife, Marcia are married 49 yrs, have 3 children and 2 grandchildren. They are both retired. They plan on enjoying family time.

Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face.
Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face.

The holiday season starts for most Americans with Thanksgiving and continues through New Year's Day, and will often brings stress and depression. What a far cry from the idealistic childhood joy we associated with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Don't let the holidays become something you dread. Get back that child-like feeling of joy and anticipation of the holiday season. With a little planning and some positive thinking, you may find that you enjoy the holidays this year more than you thought you could. After all, it is "the holidays!"

You have people in your life that you care about and who care about you. Life is really not about seeking happiness. Life is about enjoying the journey, doing the right thing and living the right style of life. Be loving, caring, unselfish and pure. If you live by these four standards and do the right things in your daily life, happiness will be your reward.

Keep It Real

Think about it. Think back to a time that you thought once you obtained a certain age, you'd be happy. Then, when you got to that age, you found out that you were not any happier at all. Did that feeling of happiness last? How about when you thought once you got that new car, you'd be happy. Were you? Or did that car become an expensive possession and you found that you still wished for more. That's what usually happens when we try to seek out happiness. No event, thing, person or place will truly make us happy because we place expectations on everything or everybody in our life. We thought we'd be happy once we grew up and got to leave home and live on our own. Then we found out what a struggle it can be supporting ourselves and then maybe it wasn't so bad living at home when we had little, if any responsibilities. The point is happiness will come when you live an honest, pure, unselfish and righteous life. You will never have to justify doing the right thing or being honest.

Unrealistic expectations, feelings of nostalgia, loneliness, or anxiety, can all lead to mild holiday depression. Knowledge is power. Now that you know this, you can combat it.There are many simple coping strategies for dealing with minor depression, anxiety, and holiday stress. Allow yourself to connect with activities and people that make you feel alive and vital.

Things Can get Better

If the holidays have taken an emotional toll on you in the past, make realistic expectations for the holiday season. Pace yourself. Do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle. Spend time with supportive and caring people, and this means being able to show them how much you care as well. Do not compare the good ol' days with the demands of today. Distant memories have a way of always seeming brighter. Be happy for who you are and what you have in your life. Make time for yourself and get plenty of rest. Do not even contemplate trying to be everything to everybody. Give gifts that you can afford and stop trying to impress people. Most people are more interested in your company and spending time together than the value or price of a gift.

Additionally, create new rituals and traditions. Be creative. Get in touch with your inner feelings. Make sure you are exercising daily. The result of exercise will improve your health as well as your attitude. Do something for someone else.There is no better feeling that I get than when I do something for somebody. It doesn't have to be helping them build that addition to their home. Did you thank somebody today? Did you make a person smile? Did you hold the door open for the woman with three small kids? Did you call attention to the person who dropped their gloves on the way to their car? Do something thoughtful for somebody else and enjoy the feeling you will get for being helpful.

Finally, do not neglect prayer. Prayer works wonders. Live in faith. Faith allows us to have hope. Replace your fears with faith. We will know true happiness when we run into problems or sadness because faith allows us to endure those trying times. Endurance develops our character and character builds confidence. Also, remember that God loves you and will never give you more than you can handle. Only take one day at a time. We are all capable of dealing with the trials of one day. It is when we add the weight of the past and the burdens of tomorrow that we get over-whelmed.

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