Starting a Fitness Program at Home
Get Healthy at Home
With a little creativity and a few basic pieces of equipment, you can start a fitness program at home. The convenience of exercising at home allows you the opportunity to workout when and how you want to. And, it saves time and money too! No need for a gym membership or making time to travel to the fitness club early in the morning to get a quick workout in. Especially for beginners, health clubs can be an intimidating experience. The exercise equipment alone can be difficult to master. Unless the personnel at the club are handy to instruct you on proper use, these machines can be a detriment instead of a help. In these financial times, a fitness club membership can be expensive. All you need is a little space (about 5 square feet) and a few simple pieces of equipment and you're ready to roll.
Swiss Ball
The Basics
Of course, if space is available and money is no object, then a sophisticated home fitness center is fabulous but, if you're like me, someone with limited resources and very little room, this is all you need.
2-3 sets of dumbbells
(I use 10lbs., 15lbs., 20lbs.)
Use any combination of weights that your comfortable with.
A Swiss Ball
Select the size that’s right for your height
A small portable exercise bench
(I prefer the Swiss Ball because of it’s versatility)
A Floor mat
( for crutches or yoga/ pilates etc.)
That’s it! How simple can that be?
Going online and doing a little research, you have a virtual personal trainer at your finger tips. Websites like the ones below, provide expert instruction along with videos or illustrations so you can tailor a workout plan to suit your needs. They also have articles on health and nutrition that are valuable tools if your trying to live a healthier life. In this fast paced, stress filled world, living a healthy lifestyle is a huge advantage. No matter the situation, scheduling thirty minutes 3-4 days a week can lead to a leaner physique, stronger muscles, and just better self esteem. And the key is, your doing this right at home. I know finding the motivation to workout at home can be difficult but, if you think of all the benefits gained by a fitness program and all the money you saved can be motivation itself.
Mens’ Fitness
About Exercise
The Swiss Ball
Let me give you some insight on the Swiss Ball. Most fitness experts agree that along with good cardiovascular health, muscle strength and bone density are essential to maintain a healthy and long life. And, core strength is a major contributor. Your core, which most people misunderstand, is not just your abdominal muscles but , also include your lower back and upper leg muscles (thighs). They provide stability and strength which are keys to overall quality of life as anyone with lower back problems can attest to. The Swiss is a multi-purpose piece of equipment that if used properly, can greatly increase core strength. I use it as substitute for a weight bench during a dumbbell workout. The ball engages the core muscles when doing bench presses, overhead presses and flies. Trying to keep the ball stable while working out really hits muscle groups that aren't used on a normal weigh bench. Swiss ball crutches allow for greater range of motion which increases ab strength and tone. About Exercise has a fabulous series of articles that fully explain its' various uses and benefits.
In conclusion, my main point is the importance of getting regular exercise in our routines. With the rise of obesity, heart disease and other major health problems in America a fitness program is necessary and vital to longevity and quality of life.
Your Fitness Preferences
Would you rather workout at the gym or in your home?
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