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Homemade Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Updated on August 25, 2021

Millions of people are affected by high blood pressure o hypertension. One of the more common reasons for high blood pressure is stress but certain disease of the kidneys also cause high blood pressure and so does being over weight.

There are many people affected by this condition with no apparent cause. Although high blood pressure in its self needs not lead to any problems, it is a well established fact that those with it do not live as long as those without it.

This is due in part to the complications that high blood pressure can cause like angina, strokes and thrombosis. High blood pressure can also cause hardening of the arteries and the loss of elasticity which leads to arteriosclerosis.

In really serious cases it leads to heart failure and kidney disease. The treatment for hypertension is limited to high blood pressure rather than for any underlying cause because the causes for hypertension are still unclear.

The symptoms maybe nonexistent or they are a vague as dizziness, headaches, tiredness and the only way to keep track of your blood pressure is to check it regularly. Anyone who is affected by high blood pressure needs to find ways to reduce any stress, rest, slow down on activities and lose any extra weight that they are carrying around with them because it is too much for the heart to handle.

Changing the diet and eating fish, fruit, grains, poultry and pluses. When preparing foods you should use garlic, ginger, olive oil, onions, spices and eat raw food whenever you can. Do not eat animal fats, dairy foods, red meat, refined wheat, sugars and cu out salt completely.

You should cut down on coffee and tea but I is okay to have two glasses of wine or a glass of beer a day. You should also exercise because it is very important but do not over do it. Take vitamin supplements like vitamin A in the form f beta-carotene, vitamin C and E, geranium, selenium and the very remarkable co-enzyme CoQ10.

Did you know that essential oils have a very profound effect on the cardiovascular system? When you are using essential oils you should se them in your bath and have daily massages always moving in the direction of the heart for example start at the feet and work your way up the calf, thigh and so on.

The massage should be gentle with a rhythmic flow. Did you know that you can create these oil mixtures at home in your own kitchen? Did you know that you can do this for very little cost? These oil mixtures also make wonderful gifts for your loved ones.

You should store your mixtures in containers with screw on lids that are airtight to keep your mixtures fresh. It will also help to keep them fresh if the containers are dark in color because this will help to keep the light out.

As with any new product you should always test a small area of sin with the mixture before using it on a large area of skin jut to make sure that you don't experience some kind of an allergic reaction to the mixture.

Some good essential oils to us in mixture for hypertension are as follows:

Clary-Sage Oil

Geranium Oil

Hyssop Oil

Lavender Oil

Marjoram Oil

Some good vegetable oil to use in mixture to treat hypertension are as follows:

Almond Oil

Vegetable Oil

Here are some good recipes to use to treat hypertension. I hope that you enjoy!

Massage Oil#1


15 drops Geranium Oil

5 drops Hyssop Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.

Massage Oil #2


2 tbsp. Almond Oil

5 drops Hyssop Oil

15drops Lavender Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.

Massage Oil #3


10 drops Clary-Sage Oil

10 drops Hyssop Oil

10 drops Lavender Oil

2 tbsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.

Bath Oil #1


10 drops Geranium Oil

5 drops Lavender Oil

15 drops Marjoram Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.

Bath Oil #2


10 drops Clary-Sage Oil

10 drops Lavender Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.

Bath Oil #3


5 drops Clary-Sage Oil

5 drops Hyssop Oil

10 drops Lavender Oil

10 drops Marjoram Oil

Mix these together and massage into the skin. Store the rest until next use.


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