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How Can I Lose Stomach Fat Easily? The Easiest Way to Lose Weight.

Updated on May 30, 2020
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I can still fit into clothes I wore 20 years ago. If my clothes get too tight or I can't fit into my summer clothes, I quickly lose the fat.

How Do I Lose Weight?

To lose weight you need to burn more calories than you consume. Your first option is to consume fewer calories. Reduce the amount of calories you consume while eating and drinking by changing your diet. The second is to burn more calories by exercising more. During a recent cardio workout I burned over 1,000 calories.

Calories are energy and fat is stored energy. People that go on weight loss diets usually end up burning fewer calories and increasing their junk food cravings. Burn more calories by exercising and you may need to eat and drink more. When I started biking and running my appetite increased because my body needed more food.

A lot of people believe that eating less will help them lose fat but it is not that simple. Eating more food helped me have a more active lifestyle. Focusing on calories can make it harder to lose weight. To keep weight loss simple focus on doing things that are good for your health.

Avoiding junk food, drinking lots of water and exercising more is a good start.

When possible I get in shape by biking long distances.
When possible I get in shape by biking long distances. | Source

Should I Lose Weight?

How much should you weigh if your 5'3? At 110 pounds I was skinny fat. At 125 I was overweight. During the summer I found out that I should weigh 135 pounds. To lose inches of fat I needed to build muscle. Weigh yourself after you have the results you want to see how much you should weigh.

Reducing the number on the bathroom scale is not a good reason to lose weight. Your bodyweight helps you burn calories and build muscle. Lifting and carrying heavy objects is how people get fit. When you are trying to get in shape you want more resistance. Losing weight can make it harder to keep the fat off.

Being overweight refers to fat weight. Having a lot of excess fat is bad for your health. You should try to reduce the size of your belly if you can easily grab a handful of fat. If you have trouble moving around because you are too heavy then you should lose weight.

Gaining muscle helped me slim down.
Gaining muscle helped me slim down. | Source

Focusing on what you don't want makes it harder to get what you want.

Do I Need to Count Calories to Lose Fat?

You don't need to count calories to lose the fat and I don't recommend it. Counting calories is linked to unhealthy ways to lose weight and it can make fat loss harder than it needs to be. People will exercise too frequently and lose muscle or go on a weight loss diet that causes their body to try to store more fat. You should consider the empty calories. Reduce the junk food and high calorie junk drinks.

You do need to get off the couch. It is hard to be lean when you have a couch potato lifestyle. Your body adapts to your routine. If you want to be lean then you should have an active lifestyle. Person A consumes almost twice as many calories as person person B. Who weighs more? In my case person B weighed over 80 pounds more than me because they had a sedentary lifestyle.

Doing Less is Harder than Doing More

One behavior leads to another. Trying to change one behavior without changing others does not usually work. Your food cravings can be affected by your behavior and what you eat can affect your behavior. Eating fast food can make you feel tired. Watching TV for hours can make you want to eat junk food.

People also form associations. They program themselves. If it is Wednesday and I turn on the TV at 8:00 pm then I am going to sit on the couch and watch TV until 11:00 pm. If I do the first behavior then it is going to trigger the second behaviour. A person wanted to reduce his weight by drinking less pop and alcohol. That was the only thing he wanted to change. Of course he kept drinking the same amount of pop and alcohol.

Another problem with doing as little as possible is that it does not provide you with a sense of accomplishment. Doing difficult things is more rewarding. When something is easy most people are less likely to do it. Doing less is often harder than doing more because it is harder to motivate yourself to do it.

If it requires very little physical effort but you can not get yourself to do it then it is not easy.

The Easiest Way to Lose Weight

Is going on a strict diet easier than exercising? You might think so. I exercised for over 3 hours in one day. Another person stayed home and watched TV. I biked to the beach. It was relaxing and I enjoyed it. They were bored and could not stay away from the junk food.

Resisting food cravings and eating food you do not like is hard. I think it is harder than walking my dog or biking to the beach. Changing your food cravings is fairly easy. Stress, boredom and a lack of movement increases junk food cravings. Being active and relaxed can make you want to eat healthy food. I change my food cravings by changing my behavior.

The easiest way to lose fat is to replace sedentary entertainment with active entertainment. Reduce boredom and have fun while doing things that are good for you. Make exercise a form of active entertainment to burn more calories while reducing junk food craving. Sitting still for long periods of time is bad for your health and it is boring.

When hard work becomes play it seems easier and you look forward to it. Don't try to lose weight. Try to have fun. Replace weight loss goals with fitness goals and focus on what you want.

Active Hobbies for Getting Fit

rock climbing
paddle boarding
motion controlled games
cardio boxing
roller skating
martial arts
Kayaking is a fun hobby.
Kayaking is a fun hobby. | Source

Motivating yourself to take action is the hard part.

Lose Belly Fat Easily

A good way to lose belly fat is to get your body to adapt to an activity that requires a lean body. Most activities that get you moving around would work. You can travel from one place to another under your own power or use a stationary exercise machine. If you need a lean body to be good at it then doing it could help you get a lean body.

Compete with yourself and try to improve every week. Bodies are good at adapting to your routine. It took me 8 workouts on my elliptical trainer to go from running 3 miles to running 10 miles at a faster pace. You can improve by training like an athlete. Keep track of your workouts and intend to improve. If I go for a bike ride once a week and try to improve every time then I will flatten my belly.

It is simple but is it easy? If you like doing it and it works then it is easy. The trick is to do it for fun and for the sense of accomplishment it gives you. Training is a good way to lose fat and get it shape but it can increase your muscle weight. While losing inches of fat your weight may increase or stay the same.

  • Pick a fun hobby associated with lean people.
  • Compete against yourself.

I am not saying that it will require very little effort. I am saying that you can make work feel like play. Most people like a challenge. That is why the most popular games require a lot of effort. It is also why people like to compete against opponents that are hard to beat.

Sense of accomplishment.
Feel like you are not accomplishing anything.
Look forward to it.
Do not want to do it.
Active entertainment.
Think of it as hard work.
Do it for fun.
Do it to lose weight.
Makes you feel great.
Makes you feel bad.
Good for you.
Bad for you.
Change your food cravings.
Resist your food cravings.

Easy could be defined as requiring very little effort but people need to feel like they are accomplishing something. It is only easy if it is easy to motivate yourself to take action.

The fastest and easiest way for me to lose fat is to go to a beach once a week.
The fastest and easiest way for me to lose fat is to go to a beach once a week. | Source

What Helped Me Lose the Belly Fat

Trying to lose weight is the hard way. I started exercising for fun. My favorite way to lose belly fat is to bike to parks with beaches. I bike, walk and swim. Being active and reducing stress reduces junk food cravings. It makes me crave healthy food. I look forward to doing it. So it is easy to motivate myself to take action.

Challenging myself by increasing the distance, speed or resistance makes the rides more interesting and it provides me with a sense of accomplishment. It also makes me look like a cyclist, lean with muscular legs. When I stop improving I stop changing my body.

Choose fun activities that are associated with lean fit bodies. Then focus on getting better at them. The parks I like to bike to have been closed for months because of the covid 19 virus. Exercising inside can be boring. To make exercising easier I am trying to improve every time. I ran 10 miles on my elliptical trainer in 70 minutes. Increasing the distance or speed makes it easier to stay motivated. To relax I have been going for walks in the woods while avoiding people.

Motivate yourself to take action by thinking of things you want to do.

I lost inches of belly fat without trying.
I lost inches of belly fat without trying. | Source

Easiest Way to Lose Belly Fat

See results

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Michael H


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