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How Meditation is Beneficial to Me

Updated on July 29, 2016


Author, Andrea Picarelli of Orlando, Florida
Author, Andrea Picarelli of Orlando, Florida | Source

How Meditation is Beneficial to Me

In 2012 I was going through a divorce and was so angry, bitter, and resentful. If that was not enough, I was also stressed out and completely overwhelmed. As a result, my life was very chaotic and out of control.

At the recommendation of my therapist I tried meditation but it took many attempts before I got anywhere with it. Thankfully, I did not give up and finally learned what meditation really is and how to practice it effectively.

Meditation isn’t about perfection but practice as you can still obtain the benefits without being perfect at it. You do not have to be a well-disciplined monk to benefit from meditation.

The more I practice meditation the better I become. Just like anything else in life I do have my bad days with it were my mind is more active than I would like but even a bad meditation session is still beneficial.

As a result of divorce, I was dead inside. I had no love for myself much less others. I was so numb that I lacked empathy and compassion. I was jaded and stuck in a permanent state of anger. This was not me at all. I no longer recognized who I had become and I did not like it.

I experienced an identity crises as I no longer knew who I was. I knew that deep down I was not really the person who I had become. I felt that I had lost myself during my toxic marriage.

Through the practice of meditation I have been able to connect with my true self. Meditation has helped me find myself and get back in touch with the real me. I am transforming into someone who is authentic, peaceful, loving and compassionate. I am getting back to being the person that I was born to be. As a result, I feel much more comfortable in my skin. “Meditation can reintroduce you to the part that’s been missing.”-Russell Simmons

Since connecting with my true self I notice that the more I meditate the more humble I become. My ego is dissolving slowly but surely. As a result of this my intuition is much stronger and I make healthier decisions.

Before I became consistent with meditation I began to notice that my most productive and happiest days were the ones that I took time out to meditate. When I meditate my mind is calm and focused. I can better tackle issues and find solutions. When I do not meditate my mind is cluttered, noisy, and I get overwhelmed very quickly. Many times when I get overwhelmed I shut down and get stuck.

As a result of the benefits of meditation like increased productivity and peace I became more consistent in my meditation practice which brought about more benefits. I noticed that I am in control of my emotions and slow to anger. I have become a much more gentle and peaceful individual as a result.

Through meditation I have obtained inner peace. I am no longer angry, bitter, or resentful. When I find myself in a situation that causes upset for me I can now stop myself from losing my temper and come up with a peaceful resolution instead.

Patience was never a strength of mine. I have always been a very impatient person. I would get so agitated and frustrated when I had to wait for anything. I am happy to report that I becoming a very patient and understanding individual.

I feel very blessed as I am acquiring wisdom. I now see things much differently since I have discovered meditation. I have also noticed that I desire different things from life. I am experiencing a shift and the only way I know to describe this shift as spiritual enlightenment as I find myself valuing things like peace and freedom much more.

I find myself steering away from violent movies and television shows. I am getting back in touch with animals and nature. Practicing mindfulness and being fully present is bringing me more enjoyment from life.

In the past, I was constantly sick and would catch every cold and virus that I was exposed to. I have noticed that my immune system is much stronger and can fight off colds and viruses. Thanks to meditation I am much healthier. Meditation not only lowers blood pressure but also can amp up your immune system -- although the mechanism isn’t clear -- while improving your ability to concentrate.”

With a much more peaceful, calm, and focused mind I am creative. I come up with better ways to do things. There was a time when I could not focus and this took away things that I enjoyed like reading and writing. I could not focus long enough to enjoy a good book. I stopped writing because I could not organize my thoughts or express myself well. I lost quality of life and this made me depressed. Thanks to meditation I have my life back!

As a result of acquiring peace and focus, I not only felt better my life improved. I not only have a peaceful mind but I also have a peaceful life. My life is no longer stressful or chaotic. My life is by no means perfect but I am much more equipped to handle life’s curve balls.

The more I meditate the more I heal mentally, physically, and emotionally. When I was stressed out I could not heal because my mind and body did not get enough rest. We cannot heal without rest. Meditation brings us to a calm state which promotes healing.

I have noticed that after I meditate I feel both relaxed and refreshed. I feel as though my mind has been rebooted like a computer. Meditation is like a mini vacation for my mind.

Meditation has been a healthy investment in myself. The benefits outweigh the time and effort. I feel that inner peace, health, focus, alone are priceless not to mention the many other benefits that meditation has provided me with. I feel so light and free to be me. This new way of life feels so amazing and empowering.

Someone once asked the Buddha skeptically, “What have you gained through meditation.”

The Buddha replied, “Nothing at all.”

“Then, Blessed One, what good is it.”

“Let me tell you what I lost through meditation: sickness, anger, depression, insecurity, the burden of old age, the fear of death. That is the good of meditation, which leads to nirvana.”-Buddha


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