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How to Get Rid of Depression Without Medications

Updated on May 17, 2023
Farcas Ionut profile image

Ionut is an experienced freelancer, passionate about science, technology, worldwide news and cryptocurrency.

Due to various psychological and environmental factors, depression can also be controlled without medication in less sensitive cases.

You have here several, simple and easy-to-use methods to combat depression.

You should stop living another person's life. In many cases, depression occurs for many people when they realize they are not living their own dreams and instead try to please their parents, children, relatives or friends.

The courage to follow your own dreams reduces anxiety states by a significant percentage. The writing also helps a lot in overcoming depression. You can keep a diary in which you write down your thoughts and feelings and even your grief.

To fight depression it is very important not to compare yourself with other people. It is very important to focus on yourself and your life and not become obsessed with the lives of others as a model.

Let's first see if you have any signs of depression. Even if those signs manifest differently from person to person, symtoms vary in intensity.

  • Feelings of sadness, uselessness, guilt, low self-esteem;
  • Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, exhaustion;
  • Isolation tendency;
  • Lack of interest in activities that previously pleased you;
  • Alteration of food appetite;
  • Problems with sleep (insomnia);

If you have any of the symtoms above, you really should start getting rid of depression. Here are some 10 easy to do tips which will help you a lot.


Communicating with close people can keep depression at a distance, your family or friends can be a real support during the phases of depression. You have to keep in mind that those who are really close to you will not judge you for your weaknesses and will help you during difficult times.


Go for a walk or do some jogging on a daily basis. Exercises helps releasing endorphins into the body, which stimulates happiness.


Experts believe that by crying, depressed people can relieve their stress. I cry all the time when I feel I have to do so.


Yes, you read well. One of the simplest ways to get rid of depression is to go out into nature. Sun helps you feel better in any situation and especially when you get used to spend a lot of time in spaces artificially illuminated.

5.The music

Listen music daily and even do some dance moves. You will definitely feel better and do some exercises at the same time. If time allows you, sign up for dance classes.


Make a journal, it will be a trusted friend. Filling out a journal will help you to unload all your emotions and frustrations or to set out exactly how you plan to escape from depression.


A nutritionally appropriate diet will help you keep your mind and body in perfect order and help you overcome the phases of depression.


After a hug from your loved ones, you will definitely feel better, happier and more confident. I hug my girlfriend daily.

9.Your mind

Keep your mind busy. The more you will be busy with your daily activities, the less time you will have to pay attention to depression.

10.Professional help

If the depression persists for more than 2 weeks and is accompanied by insomnia and loss of appetite, call a specialist. When talking to a specialist you should remember that its role is to help you and the more information you provide, the faster you will overcome the depression period.

Depression can also be combated if you set yourself a goal. A goal, even a minor one, that you can achieve step by step, gives you a sense of life and induces you a constant positive state.

Taking vitamins is also effective in combating depression. But here it is also necessary to consult a specialist to avoid imbalances in the consumption of certain vitamins.

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