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How Do You Feel About Getting Older?

Updated on March 7, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Is age getting you down?

Getting older and feeling older!

What has age got to do with love and life?

Most women feel the changes in their ages. For some women when they pass the age of forty, it is a smooth downhill ride.

These women allow their ages to get to them. I am proud to mention my age. In my forties and often I get compliments, that I look much younger.

I know that and enjoy listening to what others have to say. My mother looks very young for her age, which is a good sign for when I get older.

When some women reach thirty, they feel much older and sometimes try to keep fitter and keep their weight down to look like teenagers. They should not want to look like teenagers, instead should look at their age.

A mature look does make one feel great and wiser. Women should see in themselves they have grown into mature women. When you get older you can feel less valued by others, but you shouldn't be concerned about your age.

Everyone is getting older, it is how you feel that most matters, not what others think of your appearance. When one gets older, they compare themselves to others, a problem that many women have with themselves.

The wish to be someone else shouldn't be thought of, instead, they should be who they are, to accept themselves rather than try to be something or someone they are not.

The self-criticism that is within you should compliment you for who you are and learn to be encouraging and accomplish what you want with your very own thoughts.

Show yourself that you can do simple activities and live for now and not the past. Age should not stop you from living good lives, enjoying your lives to the fullest, being energetic and hopeful

It is easy to stress about age but what good will it do for you?

The use of make-up can make you feel good about yourself. Those who can't afford it and have never used make-up can still look good in their own special ways. Sometimes illnesses can get you down and make you look older than you are. In such cases, it is different and dealing with these situations can be a whole lot more painful.

If you are buried in a stressful life age that can be difficult to deal with that can happen to many individuals. Facial hair can shoot up, going to doctors for regular examinations, and keeping the household together can all be most challenging.

Also, if you have struggled or battled for most of your you can age faster. It depends on what kind of life you have lived.

Are you taking care of yourself or instead of making others the focus, treat yourself to a peaceful day?

Don't neglect yourself it is very important to take good care of yourself in all ways. Your face till the age of thirty is the one that God gave you, and after that age, you have the fact that you have made for yourself.

What happens when you get older?

Age can get the better of you if you lose yourself. Some people tend to worry more when older when instead they should be more relaxed and peaceful.

Daily life has concerns about finances, sometimes depression, loneliness, or lack of communication.

Memory loss issues, negative thinking and the feeling of being left out of many conversations can put a strain on you.

A lack of self-esteem is noticed and a sign of slowness in their daily activities is another problem for many people.

At one time they had the energy to perform these activities but have gradually calmed down. When one reaches their seventies it can be terrifying, especially if they don't have a companion.

I love the way I am. I eat healthy foods and enjoy my summer job. The energetic daily activities make me more positive each day.

If you worry about how you look it will cause you wrinkles over time.

What should be important is who you are and not how you look as you age. Many women won't agree and would say their looks are more important.

Age gracefully. Keeping the greys can be a badge of courage.

Keeping the greys is not everybody's choice. The only true beauty is the one that shines from your soul and never ages, so you are ageless.

Beauty before age. Ageing can be fabulous for you. Your life can be better than ever before.

Living through bad times and now finally you can see yourself in a better place. A complete life is when your husband accepts you and your parents are proud of you.

  • How does beauty affect your self-image?

  • Should you be concerned about your self-image when you get older?

Most celebrities are greatly concerned about their self-image, and how it is affecting them personally,

What about the stay-at-home moms or the women who have simple day jobs?

  • Is it possible to learn from one another when you get older?

  • Are you blessed enough to grow older?

  • Is getting older keeping less worthy to yourself?

You can read, to expand your knowledge to keep that spark alive from within, if nothing else is alive then seek a friend and make your social life fun.

Knowledge is great.

If you lie about your age you are delusional. You can't be who you are not so stop doing it! Express your new self.

  • Do you lie about your age?

  • Are you afraid of getting older?

  • Is modern living keeping you younger?

Age is not an issue if you don't make it an issue. You have people who depend on you so you should take care of yourself.

Sometimes you can be guilty about lying about your age because you don't want others to lock you into a stereotype.

On the other side of life, you get women who won't even look in the mirror. They are too scared of what they will see or confront. One can hurry and turn away. Having your picture taken can be such an effort.

Some individuals tend to live in their young numbers if one is in their fifties they wish their bodies were still the same as when they were in their thirties. These thoughts can ruin one.

The need to hide from family or friends is often the case when one changes with age.

The fear of getting older has never bothered me once, I still feel so good. Things you should know to be true about life.

Everything has a silver lining that is only if you look for that lining and never give up on life.
Once you have learned to love your own company then life for you will never be lonely.
Gratitude and joy are about having faithful people around you.
When you judge another person, it shows more about you than about the other person you are judging.
You will always find what you are looking for never fail to look further.
Getting older is more fun than what you were led to believe about age.
Your curious mind can help you grow older with excitement.

Getting older


Age gracefully

Have you lied about your age?

See results

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Devika Primić


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