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How to Follow the Oatmeal Diet

Updated on May 4, 2013

The Oatmeal diet according to many nutritionists is the most useful of all types of cereals in the diet. This is due to the fact that the cereal composition contains complex carbohydrates - a major source of energy for the human body, vegetable fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins E, PP, B vitamins, retinol.

Useful properties Oatmeal

The oatmeal diet helps:

Cleanse the body of toxins and waste;

Reduced blood cholesterol;

Eliminate free radicals (free radicals can destroy the cell body).

Oatmeal has a positive effect on the digestive system and is recommended even for people who have problems with the gastric tract.

The food in the human intestine takes a long time to be digested. Toxins and fecal debris obstruct the intestines, preventing its operation, obstructing the process of absorption of nutrients, and toxins accumulate in the body gradually. In some cases, the weight of the "deposits" in the gut undigested, can weigh 20 pounds, which adversely affects the health of the whole organism. Therefore, the oatmeal diet can help get rid of these "deposits

Oatmeal is very popular because of its health and nutritional benefits. After the oatmeal diet consistently for a period of time may help you lose a lot of weight. Oatmeal can help you lose weight desirably while providing various health benefits.

Additionally, oatmeal is a rich source of starch and fiber. Starch has the capacity to encapsulate the gastric mucosa, thus improving the digestive tract, while the absorbent is cellulose, which includes in itself harmful substances formed during digestion, and outputs them from the body. Doctors often recommend oats for patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases, and those with high cholesterol or high blood sugar. Oat is useful to follow the diet that people with skin problems, to improve it and get rid of the inflammation.

Is it possible to lose weight eating oatmeal? Our answer is of course yes! Furthermore, the diet of oats contributes to the enrichment of the body lots of vitamins and nutrients.

Depending on the individual, after the oatmeal diet can get rid of 3-5 pounds of excess weight in just one week. This, however, will have to demonstrate sufficient perseverance and endurance. Maximum term for oatmeal diet is not more than three or four weeks, otherwise, due to the prolonged absence of animal protein (meat, fish, and dairy products) in the body, can worsen the skin condition, hair, and nails, reduce the immunity and interrupt the menstrual cycle in women.

Oatmeal diet not only promotes weight loss, but also to improve health and mood, and even has a cosmetic effect - it makes your skin look smoother.

Oatmeal diet also helps to:

Overall improvement;

Strengthening the body;

Raise the tone.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet of oats, can pass the procedure of purification. Practitioners Nutritionists recommend 7-10 days.

The essence of the purification is as follows. At night, in a liter of boiled water add half a cup of rice. In the morning boil the rice simmer for about an hour until dough forms. We drink the resulting gelatin, (drink it on an empty stomach) then do not take food or drink for the next five hours. Then you can eat, but in any case, not overeating.

Oat diet.

Throughout the day, all meals must consist solely of oatmeal. In between meals, you can eat fruits and vegetables, except potatoes, grapes, and bananas.

The methodology of the diet of oats, suggests the following order:

Taking, in turn, the oats comminuted cooked with water. This is the alternative use of cereals, but cooked in low-fat milk.

Meals, every day should start with cereal.

To avoid the incident of bowel problems, the aspect of the oats has to be a little bit mashed, using figs, prunes help enhance.

During use the oatmeal diet, foods such as sugar, salt, butter, honey is prohibited. To give better flavor oatmeal can use cinnamon.

The oatmeal diet Contraindications. The oatmeal diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

1. Eat only 50 percent a cup of oats every meal of the day for the first week’s time of your daily eating plan. You can find oats processed instantly or entirely in the marketplace, but you should stick to only whole oat flour. You have a choice to create oats with dairy products, but should consume only low-fat or skimmed.

2. From the second week’s time, you can consist of 50 percent cup of prepared oats for your three foods. If you are interested in eating instant oats, you must ensure that the amount of sugar and fat is less than 60% of the total food.

3. You can create healthier snack oats with fruits and a little low-fat dairy products.

4: Do not forget to exercise at least 30 minutes a day or three times per week’s time. Always remember to stay hydrated to get rid of out toxins.

Sample Oatmeal Diet Plan to Lose Weight

Below is a diet plan sample containing 5 protein meals that are healthy, rich and full too?


½ cup oatmeal

½ cup skim milk

1 tablespoon raisins

An apple

Morning Snack

½ cup strawberries, blueberries, seedless grapes, oranges and apples,


½ cup oatmeal

½ cup low-fat yogurt

A portion of green beans

Afternoon snack

½ cup raw, raw, like carrot sticks, celery sticks, and sliced ​​green peppers. Avoid melons and vegetables with high starch content such as potatoes.


4 oz chicken breast grilled

Big Green Salad

½ cup oatmeal

The oatmeal diet is very safe, as they produce weight loss due to cleanse the body, but not at the expense of water loss as in extreme typical diets. Oatmeal diet is a therapeutic diet, and furthermore, very effective in terms of weight loss


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