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How to Get Rid of Allergies at Home

Updated on May 5, 2020
NateB11 profile image

Like most people, I'm concerned with the practical needs of everyday life, and therefore research issues of health and livelihood.


I have an almost continuous problem with allergies. I live in the valley and pollen gets trapped in it like a big bowl of allergens and I am constantly going around with a runny nose, coughing and, in the morning, waking up with a sinus headache. The whole thing's a headache!

So, believe me, I understand if you are frustrated with constantly feeling tired and run down by allergies. I've found a few tricks to remedy the problem. Let me show you!


Vacuum the Floors

So, I feel like I don't have to tell you but here goes: Pollen and other allergens come in with the wind when you open your front door. They're on your shoes and clothes too. Consequently - surprise, surprise - they're in your carpet.

Break out the vacuum and let's get rid of those allergies!

Keeping a clean house can help to get rid of allergens.
Keeping a clean house can help to get rid of allergens. | Source

Sweep and Mop the Floors

I guess another obvious one. But anyway, you have to clear your home of pollen and it could be all over your kitchen and bathroom floors where you come and go often.

Oh Yeah, Take Off Your Shoes

Yeah, that's how you're tracking around all those allergens; they get on your shoes and then you walk around with your shoes on all over and around the house.

Take off your shoes and put them by the door when you come into the house.

You might need to take off those cute shoes before you go into the house!
You might need to take off those cute shoes before you go into the house! | Source

Close the Windows and Crank Up the AC

Yes, of course, logically, pollen comes in through the windows. I know you want some fresh air but if you are wracked with allergies, it will offer you some relief to just keep those windows closed. Turn on the air conditioner if it's too hot. It'll be worth it in the long run.

Also, make sure you change the filter in your air conditioner vents or have your landlord do it.

All this goes for when you are driving around in your car too. My allergies often get worse when I go out. All those allergens are floating around in the air. When I'm in my car, I keep the windows closed and the AC on.

I know it's tempting to open the window for some fresh air when it starts warming up but turn on the fan instead to save yourself from your allergies.
I know it's tempting to open the window for some fresh air when it starts warming up but turn on the fan instead to save yourself from your allergies. | Source


Yep. Dusting too. Dust mites can kick up those allergies too. Dust the fans, dust the TV, dust around the TV, dust the furniture, dust your computer.

Get rid of the dust mites because they are aggravating your allergies.
Get rid of the dust mites because they are aggravating your allergies. | Source

Don't Hoard

Well, it's just because that's where they hide. The allergens. They could be in that pile of newspapers or stack of cardboard boxes you've been saving for "just-in-case". Yeah, just don't do it. Make sure your space is clutter-free. It will save you a lot of pain, in more ways than one.

Wash Your Bedding

Yes, especially wash your bedding. I had a bad habit of putting it off for too long. You wouldn't believe the difference it makes. I mean, in bed you have your face all over the sheets, the pillow cases, the blankets. If there are allergens collecting there it will be the place where you are breathing them in and creating a whole host of bad reactions.

Clean the Mold From Your Bathroom

Molds are bad. They can be deadly. That's why if you have a landlord, he's required to make sure you don't have any molds in your home. And if you don't have a landlord you can always use some powerful cleaning agents to get rid of the mold, if you have any. I scrubbed the shower walls with bleach during a particular time when I was having a serious mold issue.

Other than that, keep the tub clean, keep the tiles clean and clean up the shower curtain too!

Little-Known Tips to Save You During Allergy Season

Try This Home Remedy Spray

Take a trip to your local health food store. Typically there is an essential oils section. Pick up some eucalyptus oil, some peppermint oil and some lemon oil. Put 10 drops of eucalyptus oil and 8 drops of the other 2 oils into a cup of water and put the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the air, especially around windows and any openings where pollen can get in; it will drive away the pollen.

To reiterate, you need:

  • 10 drops of eucalyptus oil
  • 8 drops of peppermint oil
  • 8 drops of lemon oil
  • 1 cup of water
  • small spray bottle

The mixture is heavy and knocks the pollen out of the air.

Give it a go. And it smells fabulous!

Life is good again! No more allergies! Well, can't guarantee it.
Life is good again! No more allergies! Well, can't guarantee it. | Source

Let the good times roll! No more allergies!

Well, no, no one can guarantee you that you'll get rid of allergies. But if you keep your home clean and watch what you do, you might be able to get some serious relief from the plague known as allergies.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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