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How to Handle Stress During Covid-19 Situation

Updated on July 29, 2020
Usama Tahir5 profile image

Usama has taught young nursery kids for years and has gathered exciting insight to understand their psychology.

How to Handle Stress During Covid-19 Situation

First, we must understand how damaging stress can be for a person, and how it affects his/her physical health by making him mentally sick and stuck. A person who is faced with stress for a considerable amount of time can feel exhausted. He can also experience sleepless nights or may feel too much sleepy and can have his stomach fully damaged to the extent that nothing digests properly and feels heartburn for almost the entire day. One of the significant effects of stress is, it makes humans less focused. A person who is fighting off stress can be quite restless.

Afterward, we need to accept the fact, that this pandemic (COVID-19) has made most of us mentally stressed up. Adults are unable to go to their work, and children cannot go to school. We are quite away from routine life, which is a stress-saver mode for most of us. Moreover, Media is playing its role to the fullest to make us feel more devastated than before. Indeed, we need to be cautious, but terrorizing people about the overall scenario is all about making them more stressed and disturbed. The worst part of this pandemic is you must isolate if you feel the symptoms.

Here are a few tips and tricks to stay focused and cope up with the stress during COVID-19 situation.

1) Learn How to focus, engage and pay attention

The first problem that occurs after facing stress is you lack focus, engagement, and attention. You are less likely to perform any activity better like you use to do before, and you give up enjoying the activities. For instance, you are less likely to relish painting in your stressful days, as now your focus has been minimized and you are not paying full attention to the act of painting so that it could be enjoyable. To be absorbed is hard sometimes, but practice can sort out the problem.

Tip #1

You should start paying attention to quite a basic sort of thing. For instance, if you were a tea lover before, and suddenly you gave up enjoying it the way you used to. You should be focused while drinking a cup of tea. You must smell the aroma; you must take smaller sips to feel the taste. You can also feel the way you swallow the thick liquid into your throat. I know it sounds weird but try it once, twice and you will get to know how it will foster your attention skills. After implementing this technique to ordinary chores try applying them to highly creative activities.

2) Try to Understand You are Not Alone in this Situation

One of the most relief giving thoughts in the phase of a pandemic is you are not alone who is suffering whether it is economic, social, or personal. Everybody around you is equally facing the challenges, so you must gird up your loins and unhook from these negative thoughts and emotions. I know it is still hard, but you can unhook for a relative amount of time.

3) Express thoughts and emotions

Holding on to your grief and negative thoughts are the worst things you can do to your body and mind. Try to be socially connected with the people around you. I know it feels quite hard to connect while stressed up, but try it once and express how you feel about the entire situation, how much you are missing to go out to enjoy and eat a burger you love the most, and I assure you will feel less heavy and good

4) Eating healthy

Healthy food choices make you feel relaxed and calm by reducing sugar and blood level in your body. It is also a proven fact that food is responsible for stabilizing human moods by controlling hormones as well.

Here is the list of foods you can give a try.

  • Vegetable (Especially leafy greens)
  • Fruits
  • Oatmeal
  • Dark chocolate
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Green Tea

Here is the list of food you should avoid while depressed.

  • Junk foods
  • Processed food
  • Oily food
  • Spicy food
  • Sugary food
  • Bakery products
  • Soda

All these foods are hard on your stomach is responsible to increase sugar and blood level to help stress grow in your body, therefore must be avoided.

5) Exercise regularly

Exercise is proven to reduce stress anxiety and depression by boosting up your immune system and blood flow in your body. Regular exercise also tends to stabilize the hormones that are responsible for your stress most of the time. It reduces cortisol hormone (Hormone responsible for stress) in your body by increasing endorphin (the happy hormone) in your body. It is also scientifically proven, that exercise boost up your self-esteem by fostering your confidence and trust in yourself.

6) Sleep

A night accompanying sound sleep contributes to a lower stress level by fully recovering your body for the next day. It enables you to be fully focused engaged and absorbed in whatever you do. Consequently, sound sleep leads to a happier and more satisfying life.

Covid-19 stress is far worse than the general stress we use to face.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Usama Tahir


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