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How to Properly Lose Weight Fast

Updated on June 21, 2020
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Dylan Parado is currently studying as a second year student in the Faculty of Pharmacy in the University of Santo Tomas in line with health.


Losing weight is not easy. It takes time, dedication, and a strong mental to overcome temptation along the way. As people say, "Get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen". People tend to think that losing weight is about going to the gym and performing those hard reps, well it is not. Losing weight comes from the kitchen and the ONLY way to do it is through properly dieting coupled with physical exercise, and I will explain it to you how.

The Secret Sauce

A lot of people you see in YouTube claiming to lose weight in a week if you do what they are doing is complete and utter hogwash. Those muscular and lean looking men or women trying to teach you their ways must be on gear or something (steroids for normal people terms). They are just out their to promote their product! I am very much sorry to say if you fell for their trap but nonetheless, you can exact revenge by becoming fit yourself. So skipping to the secret sauce, what you need are two things:

  • Decrease your caloric intake (caloric deficient state)
  • Increase your muscle mass

These two factors are what primarily affects the weight loss drive in your body. It is not about blending all your favorite leafy vegetables and turning it into an icky smoothie or popping them pill! Now, I'll explain to you all with related and tested studies how these 2 factors affect weight loss. Our bodies, throughout our whole life, starting from the moment we were born and until the last food on our death bed, burns calories non-stop. Objectively, it is the nature of human lives. Predominantly, the first people on earth had no packaged food. Survival through fittest was the key to living and thriving. It's killed or be killed. What happens when they couldn't have a catch? Well, it is certain death. From then on, the human body has adapted in creating a metabolic cycle that promotes in the conservation of energy from the foods they eat even when food was scarce and a struggle. This form of conservation of energy is processed through fats. This is is the sole reason why you have that beer belly on you. It is a stored energy that needs to be released. Okay, so how do we release it? Yes, through decreasing caloric intake and increasing muscle mass.


The Harris-Benedict Equation

The Harris-Benedict equation is a formula for calculating your BMR (Basal Metabloc Rate). Now, what you result in numbers you get here will determine how much calories you need to stay alive at rest. Now, there is a term in the fitness industry where we say "Calories in versus calories out". This simply means that whatever we do (breathing, walking, running, twiddling your thumbs, blinking, etc.) and consume (through eating and drinking) burns a certain amount of calories. Don't get me wrong that all calories burned are equal but the way our body utilize those calories in order to metabolize and keep the cells living are different. below is a video showing you how calories burned are not exactly the same at all.

Exercise vs. Diet

Decrease Caloric Intake

As I have said earlier, weight loss is driven by what you eat and how you consistently eat. Okay, so now I know that I should eat less but how will I know HOW MUCH SHOULD I EAT? Good question. As I have said earlier, our metabolism drives weight loss, and it goes on forever throughout our lives even when we rest! Basal metabolic rate, or the energy needed to keep you alive at rest, is determined by your metabolism. Now, what if, I were to give you a situation. Which is easier to do? Running a mile to burn 300 calories or simply avoiding eating 300 calories? We might have different preferences but for the majority, it is the latter one. Research also proves that our bodies burn more calories just to stay alive rather than doing vigorous exercises. A meta-analysis of 28 weight-loss studies by Duhurandhar and colleagues demonstrated that dietary restriction and exercise techniques result in 12-44% and 55-64% less weight loss than expected respectively but in return gets lower basal metabolic rate, meaning their metabolism lessens and makes losing weight more difficult. Now, to avoid all the confusing stuff and technical jargon, the answer is simple. With the mentioned formula above, input all your numbers and calculate it. Whatever number that will show up there will be your BMR and that is the amount of calories you need to measure how much you should eat daily. Deviating negatively, or going below from that range will incur a negative caloric loss, meaning weight loss and vice versa.

Increasing Muscle Mass

As a health allied student, we have studied the effects of hormones in the body. And these hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen affect your metabolism. Weight loss is primarily influenced by your metabolism. What does this mean? The higher your metabolism is, the faster and easier it will be for you to lose weight. What should I do? Increase your muscle mass by lifting weights. Now, there will be al ot of confusion as to what type of exercise I should do. Should I do cardio or lift weights? Bottom line is cardio will give you instant results but lifting weights will be for the long run as muscle mass is directly proportional in losing weight. The more muscle mass you have, the more you boost your resting metabolism. And what does this mean? Exactly, the more weight loss you can achieve. As for working out, nothing beats the irons. If you don't have the budget, simple anaerobic training such as body weight exercises will do.

Weight Training VS Cardio

© 2020 Dylan Parado


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