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How to Remain Cool as a Cucumber When Life is Hard

Updated on March 16, 2017
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Rohan believes that writing, in order to be truly effective, must be a labor of love.

All Calm In the Mountains!

You have it in you to get past all that is holding you back from a life of fulfillment.
You have it in you to get past all that is holding you back from a life of fulfillment. | Source

We live in a world of stress. We exist in a reality in which tranquility is a pipe dream for most people. People are stressed out all the time; countries are perennially on the verge of some form of economic, linguistic, or cultural conflict. The planet, for the most part, is in a crazy rat race that leaves almost everyone drained out.


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Life is difficult. It is filled with worries aplenty. Maintaining one's sanity is often easier said than done. At the same time, you need not be tossed about helplessly by the travails of reality. You have it in you to face up to the challenges that are thrown at you and do a pretty good job of it.

You Can Go Higher!

You are way more resilient than you imagine.
You are way more resilient than you imagine. | Source

It helps to see the larger picture. Do this from time-to-time. When your situation is raining blows on you, step back and recount events from the recent past. Go on a journey of reminiscence and relive fond memories. Do this even if hardly anything of substance surfaces. This exercise will make you a more grateful and positive person capable of radiating strength to others.

Never forget that taking a few deep breaths combats panic in a big way. It helps one perform actions and say things in a measured and unhurried way.

Nice and Slow!

A few deep breaths at the right time could take you places!
A few deep breaths at the right time could take you places! | Source

Have reasonable expectations of yourself. Don't be a perfectionist. Perfectionism is a misnomer. It is an imperfect and impractical ideology. Be your own best friend. Cherish your memories, even those of mess-ups. You are a very important person. You are one-of-a-kind.

Don't be a perfectionist. Perfectionism is a misnomer. It is an imperfect and impractical ideology.

Invest your valuable time in growing relationships that are more valuable than your time. Spend money on someone less fortunate than you. People are more important than money. Fulfill someone's craving for love. Be a soothing balm to someone who has been beaten black-and-blue by the unflattering reality of his or her situation. You will be rewarded for your goodness. Your largesse and compassion will be reciprocated at the most opportune time.

Every Person is Precious

As people, we are spiritual beings. Acknowledge this fact, and connect with your inner self. Become aware of the self-dialogue that goes on within you. This will require disciplined effort at the start but will become easier with time. Block out pessimistic and energy-draining beliefs. Allow hope to seep into your being; nurture it at all times. Look at past events through rose-tinted glasses. Nothing wrong with that...

The Inner Reality Determines the Outer Experience

Connect with your inner self, and identify whether the discourse within you is positive or pessimistic.
Connect with your inner self, and identify whether the discourse within you is positive or pessimistic. | Source

Stop trying to please others. You are in the best position to make decisions for yourself. Ask those who matter for their opinions, but make your decisions yourself. If something you do is not agreeable to someone, let it be so. Don't bend over backwards to reach a consensus with him or her.

When you fall, realize that you are going through an educative experience. Look for the opportunity to learn and make yourself a tougher competitor and a harder nut to crack. Even in your darkest hour, you are a champion made for victory.

Champs Deserve the Best!

You are a champion who deserves to enjoy spectacular vistas like this.
You are a champion who deserves to enjoy spectacular vistas like this. | Source

Age is not always just a number. Every now-and-then, seek help from someone older and wiser than you. Let him or her help you with handling your emotional burdens. When seeking out such a person, never forget that grayer the hair, greater the care!

Never forget that sanity is overrated. Don't take your life too seriously. For all you know, it could be a joke. Humor works where hard work fails.

Take It Easy!

Sanity is overrated. Humor works where hard work fails.
Sanity is overrated. Humor works where hard work fails. | Source

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