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How to Stay Motivated to Exercise

Updated on December 30, 2018
Motivation | Source

Exercising on a regular basis isn't always easy to stick to. Changes in weather, work patterns or simply getting out of the habit can make it difficult.

Finding the time, energy or will power means making a conscious effort to get yourself moving.

Find The Right Exercise For You

When it comes to motivation you have to enjoy what you're about to do. So forcing yourself to go out running in the pouring rain when you hate doing it won't make you look forward to doing it next time around.

It is important to find an exercise you really enjoy. Without knowing that, you certainly won't do any.

Get Prepared
Get Prepared | Source

Find a Variety

Sticking to one form of exercise may get quite boring for some, so try different forms and alternate.

Change what you do with the exercise you choose to do as well. If you enjoy cycling, set yourself new routes to challenge yourself. The change in scenery will make it more interesting. If you tend to go to the gym, make use of all the equipment. Sticking to just a couple may get tedious after a while, especially if you struggle to motivate yourself.

Get Sporty

If you find it easy to talk yourself out of exercising, try joining a sports club or team. By participating in weekly games or tournaments you may be less likely to let the side down by cancelling.

Being part of a team will be great for motivation as you have a chance of getting a whole new social life and winning will make you all feel great. You might start getting competitive which will drive you, but don't forget to have fun too.

Find out what clubs or events are available in your area then bite the bullet and go for it. Try soccer, rugby, cricket or netball.

Go Swimming
Go Swimming | Source

Go With a Friend

If you don't want the challenge of being in a big team, try something with just one other person. Try tennis, squash, badminton, golf, or arrange to go swimming together.

A bit of support and encouragement might be enough to get you out of the house.

Work Towards a Goal

One way to stay motivated to exercising is to have something to aim towards. The exercise is your training towards your goal.

You may want to train for an event such as a marathon or triathlon. Or you may want to do a hike or even trek up a mountain!

Make sure you have a date and have yourself booked for the event. You're less likely to back out in that case.

Work out what you will do in the months or weeks beforehand and plan your training. For example, you may plan to do thirty minutes on the treadmill each morning or do an hour workout three times a week.

Get the family active
Get the family active | Source

Wanting to Get Slimmer

Your goal may be to get slim. It may either be for an event or to lose weight in time for the summer. Mark off the weeks on a calender and make a diary of your achievements.

Measure your waist, hips and thighs at the start of your exercise program and update it every two or three weeks. Weigh yourself at that time as well rather than checking your weight everyday. You don't want to become obsessed over it, or feel defeated if you don't lose anything.

Attend Classes

Attend classes at lunchtimes or in the evening with a group of friends as a great pass time you'll really enjoy. Try aerobic or step classes, water aerobics, pilates or dance classes. Or try something different such as learning to belly dance!

Find Your Inspiration

The main benefit from exercise is to get fitter and healthier. We may have noticed the pounds go on slowly, or realised running up the stairs isn't as easy as it once was.Think of the main reasons why you want to motivate.

Having children might be enough of a reason to get fit. You may want to be able to play with them, do sport with them, have a longer life with them and be something for them to look up to. Passing good habits onto them will benefit them too.

© 2012 Emma Kisby


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